Stage productions Messalina

hans makart s painting of charlotte wolter in adolf wilbrandt s tragedy, arria und messalina

one of earliest stage productions feature fall of empress tragedy of messalina (1639) nathanael richards, depicted monster , used foil attack roman catholic wife of english king charles i. treated equally villainous in venetian pietro zaguri s la messalina (1656). 4-act prose tragedy 4 songs, described opera scenica, revolved around affair gaius silius brought death. carlo pallavicino follow full blown venetian opera in 1679 combined eroticism morality.

during last quarter of 19th century idea of femme fatale came prominence , encouraged many more works featuring messalina. 1875 saw german verse tragedy arria und messalina adolf wilbrandt in charlotte wolter starred empress. year hans makart painted in role. followed 2 years later in italy pietro cossa s tragedy, in messalina figures totally unrestrained woman in pursuit of love, , luigi danesi s ballet. in usa there 5-act tragedy algernon sydney logan (1849–1925), had liberal views on sex.

isidore de lara s opera messaline (1900) inspired henri de toulouse-lautrec series of paintings, including messalina seated , messalina descending staircase. in 1914 there 3-act german expressionist tragedy hermann kesser, kaiserin messalina. in 2009 theme updated benjamin askew in uk play in bed messalina, features final hours.


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