Verse 8 Zechariah 3

^ zechariah 3:8
^ joseph s. exell; henry donald maurice spence-jones (editors). pulpit commentary. 23 volumes. first publication: 1890. this article incorporates text source, in public domain.
^ barnes, albert. notes on old testament. london, blackie & son, 1884. reprint, grand rapids: baker books, 1998. this article incorporates text source, in public domain.
^ robert jamieson, andrew robert fausset; david brown. jamieson, fausset, , brown s commentary on whole bible. 1871. this article incorporates text source, in public domain.
^ tzeror hammor, fol. 114. 2. 3
^ john gill. john gill s exposition of entire bible. exposition of old , new testament. published in 1746-1763. this article incorporates text source, in public domain.


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