Route description Utah State Route 30

view east west end of sr 30 @ nevada state line

sr-30 starts @ nevada state line connecting sr 233 , loosely follows original route of first transcontinental railroad around north shore of great salt lake. towns along section rosette , park valley. highway connects i-84 near snowville. i-84 , i-15 connect western segment central segment.

the central section begins near tremonton north of separation of i-84 i-15. travels due east through gap in wellsville mountains created bear river. highway crests hill , has view of cache valley gives highway nickname, valley view highway. central section joins us-89 in downtown logan. us-89 connects central segment eastern segment.

the eastern section branches off us-89 @ garden city , follows south shore of bear lake laketown. highway cuts across wyoming state line continues wyo 89.


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