John Hammond List of Jurassic Park characters

spielberg enlisted fellow director richard attenborough play john hammond, park s creator.

appears in: jurassic park (novel , film), lost world (film), jurassic park iii (mentioned), jurassic world (statue , mentioned)
portrayed by: richard attenborough

john hammond 1 of novel s primary antagonists. owner of jurassic park , founder of ingen. according novel, full name john alfred hammond, in video game based on film, referred john parker hammond. although not modeled after in particular, crichton explained in interview hammond dark side of walt disney . portrayed cold, eccentric ceo interested in making profit , succeeding in creating dinosaurs. when explaining dr. wu why chose spend money on amusement park rather helping mankind, hammond said, s terrible idea. poor use of new technology...helping mankind (is) risky business. personally, never mankind.

in novel, hammond takes little responsibility park or failures , instead blames others goes wrong. concludes people selected park s senior staff have character flaws prevent vision park being realized. during events of novel, remains in relative safety of visitor s center , private bungalow, continuing believe in control, surrounding situation grows exceedingly dire. when grandchildren lost in park, maintains belief order restored, , children in no real danger. near end of novel, when staff regains control of park, goes outside walk. rationalizes disaster in cold manner of corporate systems analyst, deciding has happened merely fluke, reflecting hired had personal flaw prevented them realizing trying achieve, , next time better. however, while out startled sound of tyrannosaurus roar, falls down hill, , breaks ankle. unable climb hill , subsequently killed pack of procompsognathus.

unlike cold, greedy, irresponsible, uncaring novel counterpart, film s version of hammond depicted kind, jovial, charismatic man takes responsibility actions, demonstrating real concern grandchildren , employees, visitors when in danger. is, in fact, opposite of novel version in every way, having eccentricity in common him. hammond sympathetic , loving grandfather , leader means , tries keep safe. appears less interested in profit novel counterpart despite valuing money. more concerned sparking interest in others in park. of greedy , negative aspects in novel transferred donald gennaro in film. film s hammond has deeper, more emotional understanding of creating attractions children , families, , wants make attraction scientific reality, noting @ 1 point first attraction motorized flea circus. park wanted show visitors real, rather illusion. however, misguided in steadfast belief creations under control, underestimates power of genetics , nature. has little regard scientific research doctrine, being more interested in applications of genetic engineering in moral implications of such creations. when security system breaks down, , staff work restore power , rescue experts , grandchildren, while remaining in secure control room. eventually, however, , other survivors ruefully leave island, depressed hammond agreeing dr. grant park has failed , must never endorsed.

in second film, older , appears in failing health. relieved of position ceo, board of directors gives nephew, peter ludlow, after accident on isla sorna, jurassic park s site b . devotes resources has left keeping island s dinosaurs isolated rest of world, ludlow plans capture , take many dinosaurs possible island , rebuild jurassic park on mainland. in attempt stop him, hammond sends small party, including reluctant ian malcolm, gather complete photo record of animals, alive , in natural habitats, can garner enough public opinion preserve island , dinosaurs world. ultimately, expedition halted , hammond able publicly advocate idea leave dinosaurs in peace on island, thinking of malcolm told him: life find way.

hammond not appear in third film, mentioned once grant during lecture group of people raptors.

between july 2004 , march 2008, attenborough said reprise role fourth film, although character removed. in fourth film, jurassic world, hammond has been deceased time. memorial statue of him present in new theme park known jurassic world. in 2014, viral marketing website fictional masrani global corporation launched promote jurassic world. according website, hammond died in 1997, shortly after events of lost world movie adaptation.

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