Background New London School explosion
london school before explosion
the school built on sloping ground , large air space enclosed beneath structure. school board had overridden original architect s plans boiler , steam distribution system, instead opting install 72 gas heaters throughout building.
early in 1937, school board canceled natural gas contract , had plumbers install tap parade gasoline company s residue gas line save money. practice—while not explicitly authorized local oil companies—was widespread in area. natural gas extracted oil considered waste product , flared off. there no value natural gas, oil companies turned blind eye. raw or wet gas varied in quality day day, hour hour.
untreated natural gas both odorless , colorless, leaks difficult detect , may go unnoticed. gas had been leaking residue line tap , built inside enclosed crawlspace ran entire 253-foot (77 m) length of building s facade. students had been complaining of headaches time, little attention had been paid issue.
march 18 thursday. friday s classes canceled allow students participate in neighboring city of henderson s interscholastic meet, scholastic , athletic competition. following school s normal schedule, first through fourth grade students had been let out early. pta meeting being held in gymnasium, separate structure 100 feet (30 m) main building.
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