First bridge Walton Bridge

first bridge — walton bridge canaletto

in 1747 samuel dicker, local landowner , later mp plymouth, obtained permission build bridge @ walton. designed william etheridge , built white of weybridge consist of timbers tangent circle of 100 feet diameter , built single timber extracted , repaired without disturbing rest of bridge. old walton bridge completed in august 1750 , acquired fame, meriting article in gentleman s magazine, report in daniel defoe s tour in 1753 , painting canaletto in 1754. painting, shows rococo-style of bridge, in dulwich picture gallery.

queens college, cambridge record mathematical bridge resembles grander structure etheridge — unlike walton bridge, etheridge s bridge there has been rebuilt twice design, having encountered minor wood rot, has never collapsed.

the timber structure stood approximately 33 years, is, until 1783. report on condition of bridge in 1778 suggested decay in wooden frame made unsuitable use , dismantled 5 years later.


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