Independent TD (1943–54) Oliver J. Flanagan

nonetheless, re-elected dáil @ 1944 general election more twice many votes had won previous year.

in 1947 caused controversy when levelled accusations of corruption against members of fianna fáil government, including taoiseach Éamon de valera, minister justice gerald boland , minister industry , commerce seán lemass. tribunal of inquiry comprising 3 judges investigated allegations , found them untrue. despite judges conclusion flanagan had lied tribunal, vote increased 45% @ 1948 general election.

during 1952 dáil debate, after john a. costello had said made no reference adoption of children bill , flanagan quipped deputy flynn more qualified . john flynn, not in chamber @ time, interpreted insulting innuendo, , later punched flanagan in dáil restaurant. dáil committee on procedure , privilege condemned conduct of both tds.


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