Organization Tulane University Marching Band

1 organization

1.1 leadership
1.2 instrumentation
1.3 guard
1.4 shockwave


tumb , shockwave perform @ pregame in yulman stadium

barry spanier, director
mendel lee, assistant director
andrew szypula, percussion instructor , operations manager
jakki kalogridis, color guard instructor
ashley iserman, shockwave director/choreographer
patricia mcwhorter-broussard, program coordinator
dylan koester & michael seuylemezian, 2017-18 drum majors


the tumb marches silver yamaha brass instruments maintain consistent , sound. drumline uses yamaha battery , front ensemble equipment , proudly use vic firth sticks, zildjian cymbals, , evans drumheads.


tumb , shockwave @ halftime

the guard debuted in 2006 retro uniforms based on archived designs , pictures. in 2009, introduced new design more in line modern guard units, accordingly moving toward incorporation of ballet, jazz, modern, , contemporary modern dance. performs predominately flags, rifles, , sabres in pregame , halftime shows, mardi gras parades , spring stage production. unlike many university guards, tulane guard accepts both male , female members.


the dance team became official part of tumb in 2009. aside performing @ home , away football games, team performs @ tulane basketball, volleyball, , baseball games, mardi gras parades tumb , various community events. shockwave coached ashley iserman.


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