In popular culture Beatrice Portinari
painting elisabeth sonrel, depicting dante s 3 meetings beatrice: @ may day party, on florentine street, , in earthly paradise
beatrice portinari has been immortalized not in dante s poems in paintings pre-raphaelite masters , poets in nineteenth century.
subjects taken dante alighieri s la vita nuova (which rossetti had translated english) , idealisation of beatrice portinari had inspired great deal of dante gabriel rossetti s art in 1850s, in particular after death of wife elizabeth siddal. idealised image dante s beatrice in number of paintings, such beata beatrix.
beatrice has been immortalised in space, asteroid 83 beatrix named in honour.
the dante alighieri academy beatrice campus, catholic high school in toronto, ontario, canada named after portinari.
in series of unfortunate events daniel handler, snicket s love interest named beatrice, after portinari. relationship between characters similar of beatrice , dante.
in animated miniseries on garden wall woods called unknown implied multiple times throughout series form of afterlife. here, main characters wirt , greg guided through unknown bluebird named beatrice.
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