Flora and fauna Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve
1 flora , fauna
1.1 flora
1.2 fauna
1.3 rare , endangered species
flora , fauna
baird s tapir
brown-throated sloth
the reserve contains part of largest surviving area of undisturbed tropical rainforest in honduras , 1 of few remaining in central america, numerous endangered species. although there growing amount of research available on biodiversity within reserve, current management plans emphasize need more research on flora , fauna of region.
the major ecosystems include mangrove , freshwater swamps , marshes, sedge prairie, pine savanna, , gallery forest. there diverse amount of flora, estimated @ on 2,000 species of vascular plants, although little has been written because many species new or undiscovered.
there 2 major mangrove ecosystems along coast: brus lagoon , iban lagoon. brus area 120 km² , brackish, , ibans area 63 km² , freshwater. mangroves valuable , fragile, significant part of value of reserve.
further in, land becomes prairie , savannah pine , palm, depending upon availability of water. along watershed of rivers, vegetation thick wet forest, again, poorly studied.
giant anteater
the documented fauna of region includes 39 species of mammals, 377 species of birds , 126 species of reptiles , amphibians. region rich birds, including king vulture, harpy eagle, great curassow, crested guan, scarlet macaw, green macaw , military macaw.
collared peccary
mantled howler
the representative species include white-headed capuchin, mantled howler , spider monkeys, brown-throated sloth, paca, kinkajou, coatimundi tayra, central american otter, puma, collared peccary, white-lipped peccary , red brocket.
rare , endangered species
the rare or endangered species: giant anteater, jaguar, ocelot, margay, caribbean west indian manatee, , central american tapir.
the amount of environmental education exists in honduras minimal, difficult protect these endangered species. widespread poverty , lack of accurate research on ecosystems makes protection increasingly difficult. while conservation programs reaching goals, difficult tell whether or not management plans protecting these species directly. protecting ecosystems, rainforest, upon endangered species depend serves important indirect benefit.
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