The Rat Pack Dean Martin

ocean s 11 buddy lester, joey bishop, sammy davis, jr., frank sinatra, , dean martin.

as martin s solo career grew, , frank sinatra became friends. in late 1950s , 1960s, martin , sinatra, along friends joey bishop, peter lawford, , sammy davis, jr. formed rat pack, so-called after earlier group of social friends, holmby hills rat pack centered on humphrey bogart , lauren bacall, of sinatra had been member (the martin-sinatra-davis-lawford-bishop group referred summit or clan , never rat pack , although has remained identity in popular imagination). men made films together, formed part of hollywood social scene, , politically influential (through lawford s marriage patricia kennedy, sister of president john f. kennedy).

the rat pack legendary las vegas strip performances. example, marquee @ sands hotel might read dean martin—maybe frank—maybe sammy. appearances valuable because city flood wealthy gamblers. act (always in tuxedo) consisted of each singing individual numbers, duets , trios, along seemingly improvised slapstick , chatter. in socially charged 1960s, jokes revolved around adult themes, such sinatra s womanizing , martin s drinking, davis s race , religion. sinatra , martin supported civil rights movement , refused perform in clubs not allow african-american or jewish performers. posthumously, rat pack has experienced popular revival, inspiring george clooney/brad pitt ocean s trilogy.


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