Ripeness and selection Durian

a customer sniffs durian before purchasing it.

according larousse gastronomique, durian fruit ready eat when husk begins crack. however, ideal stage of ripeness enjoyed varies region region in southeast asia , species. species grow tall can collected once have fallen ground, whereas cultivars of d. zibethinus cut tree , allowed ripen while waiting sold. people in southern thailand prefer durians relatively young when clusters of fruit within shell still crisp in texture , mild in flavour. people in northern thailand, preference fruit soft , aromatic. in malaysia , singapore, consumers prefer fruit ripe , pungent in aroma possible , may risk allowing fruit continue ripening after husk has cracked open. in state, flesh becomes richly creamy, alcoholic, aroma pronounced , flavour highly complex.

the various preferences regarding ripeness among consumers make hard issue general statements choosing durian. durian falls off tree continues ripen 2 4 days, after 5 or 6 days consider overripe , unpalatable, although thais proceed point cook palm sugar, creating dessert called durian (or thurian) guan.


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