John Safran vs God John Safran

in august 2004 debuted new show john safran vs god, on sbs television network. first 7 episodes typical safran informative satire. series finale featured safran being exorcised of demons had supposedly possessed him during dabblings world religions. exorcism performed well-known christian fundamentalist bob larson. has been claimed safran s behaviour during exorcism faked. safran has neither confirmed nor denied faking behaviour, in interview australian radio personality, safran did felt going on , , there expression on face . in interview on andrew denton s enough rope program, claimed had no memory of events during exorcism, , stated footage shown on show merely interesting hours of footage. john safran vs god won 2005 afi award best comedy series .

before exorcism, safran went mozambique have curse, placed on australian national football team now-deceased witch doctor, lifted. , former australian football team captain johnny warren covered in chicken s blood in process. subsequently, on 16 november 2005, australia qualified world cup first time since 1974.


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