Suppression Charles Felix of Sardinia

finally, king instituted 3 different jurisdictions: mixed civil , military tribunal called royal delegation penal powers, military commission investigating conduct of officers , non-commissioned officers, , scrutiny commission investigating conduct of every employee of kingdom.

the royal delegation sat 7 may october, in time issued 71 death sentences, 5 sentences of life imprisonment, , 20 sentences of imprisonment 5 20 years. after delegation s dissolution, senate issued further 24 death sentences, 5 sentences of life imprisonment, , 12 sentences of imprisonment 15–20 years. end of october military commission had dismissed 627 officers.

the scrutiny commission, divided superior tribunal , 7 divisional boards of scrutiny, issued numerous dismissals , suspensions of cvil servants , professors of every kind of school, whom found particularly culpable.

on instructions of minister of interior, roget de cholex, university of turin closed , many professors received severe admonitions because, king wrote in letter brother (9 may 1822): has studied @ university entirely corrupt: professors detestable, there no way replace them... bad taught , ignorant. .

in case, although oppressive climate established, accompanied habituation accusations , diversity of political ideas, offering pretext pursuing private vendettas, royal authority, governor of genoa, giorgio des geneys, did not prevent people fleeing. of people condemned, 2 executed.

further, reported letter of count d agliè charles felix never prevented secretly passing subsidies condemned men had gone exile , angelo brofferio reports when king discovered 1 of these subsidies going family of 1 of 2 individuals had been executed in 1821, king doubled sum.

the suppression of opposition terminated on 30 september 1821, when charles felix issued pardon of individuals had been implicated in revolt, excluding leaders, financiers , had been found guilty of homicide or extortion. few days later, charles felix entered turin.


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