History Prostitution

1 history

1.1 ancient near east
1.2 ancient hebrew culture
1.3 ancient greece
1.4 ancient rome
1.5 asia
1.6 middle ages
1.7 16th–17th centuries
1.8 18th century
1.9 19th century
1.10 20th century
1.11 21st century


ancient near east

customer , prostitute illustrated in doggie position on ancient greek wine cup; act of prostitution indicated coin purse above figures

in ancient near east along tigris–euphrates river system there many shrines , temples or houses of heaven dedicated various deities documented ancient greek historian herodotus in histories sacred prostitution common practice. came end when emperor constantine in fourth century ad destroyed goddess temples , replaced them christianity.

as 18th century bc, ancient mesopotamia recognized need protect women s property rights. in code of hammurabi, provisions found addressed inheritance rights of women, including female prostitutes.

ancient hebrew culture

according zohar , alphabet of ben sira, there 4 angels of sacred prostitution, mated archangel samael. queens of demons lilith, naamah, agrat bat mahlat , eisheth zenunim.

ancient greece

both women , boys engaged in prostitution in ancient greece. female prostitutes independent , influential women. required wear distinctive dresses , had pay taxes. similarities have been found between greek hetaera, japanese oiran, , indian tawaif. prostitutes in ancient greece, such lais famous company beauty, , of these women charged extraordinary sums services.

ancient rome

fresco pompeii brothel, showing woman in cowgirl position

prostitution in ancient rome legal, public, , widespread. registered prostitute called meretrix while unregistered 1 fell under broad category prostibulae. there commonalities greek system, empire grew, prostitutes foreign slaves, captured, purchased, or raised purpose, large-scale prostitute farmers took abandoned children. indeed, abandoned children raised prostitutes. enslavement prostitution used legal punishment against criminal free women. buyers allowed inspect naked men , women sale in private , there no stigma attached purchase of males male aristocrat.

an oiran preparing herself client, ukiyo-e print suzuki haronubu (1765)


according shia muslims, muhammad sanctioned fixed-term marriage – muta in iraq , sigheh in iran – has instead been used legitimizing cover sex workers, in culture prostitution otherwise forbidden. sunni muslims, make majority of muslims worldwide, believe practice of fixed-term marriage abrogated , forbidden either muhammad, or 1 of successors, umar. sunnis regard prostitution sinful , forbidden.

in 17th century, there widespread male , female prostitution throughout cities of kyoto, edo, , osaka, japan. oiran courtesans in japan during edo period. oiran considered type of yūjo (遊女) woman of pleasure or prostitute. among oiran, tayū (太夫) considered highest rank of courtesan available wealthiest , highest ranking men. entertain clients, oiran practiced arts of dance, music, poetry, , calligraphy sexual services, , educated wit considered essential sophisticated conversation. many became celebrities of times outside pleasure districts. art , fashions set trends among wealthy women. last recorded oiran in 1761. although illegal in modern japan, definition of prostitution not extend private agreement reached between woman , man in brothel. yoshiwara has large number of soaplands began when explicit prostitution in japan became illegal, women washed men s bodies. known toruko-buro, meaning turkish bath.

a tawaif courtesan catered nobility of south asia, particularly during era of mughal empire. these courtesans danced, sang, recited poetry , entertained suitors @ mehfils. geisha tradition in japan, main purpose professionally entertain guests, , while sex incidental, not assured contractually. high-class or popular tawaifs pick , choose between best of suitors. contributed music, dance, theatre, film, , urdu literary tradition.

middle ages

throughout middle ages definition of prostitute has been ambiguous, various secular , canonical organizations defining prostitution in evolving terms. though medieval secular authorities created legislation deal phenomenon of prostitution, attempted define prostitute because deemed unnecessary specify fell [specific] category of prostitute. first known definition of prostitution found in marseille s thirteenth century statutes, included chapter entitled de meretricibus ( regarding prostitutes ). marseillais designated prostitutes public girls who, day , night, received 2 or more men in house, , woman did business trading [their bodies], within confine[s] of brothel. fourteenth-century english tract, fasciculus morum, states term prostitute (termed meretrix in document), must applied women give , refuse none, , monetary gain . in general prostitution not typically life-time career choice women. women alternated career of prostitution petty retailing, , victualing, or turning prostitution in times of great financial need. women became prostitutes did not have familial ties or means protect lure of prostitution, , has been recorded on several occasions mothers charged prostituting own daughters in exchange money. medieval civilians accepted without question fact of prostitution, necessary part of medieval life. prostitutes subverted sexual tendencies of male youth, existing. establishment of prostitution men less collectively rape honest women of marriageable , re-marriageable age. demonstrated in st. augustine s claim removal of institution bring lust aspects of world. meaning without prostitutes subvert male tendencies, men go after innocent women instead, prostitutes doing society favor.

in urban societies there erroneous view prostitution flourishing more in rural regions rather in cities, has been proven prostitution more rampant in cities , large towns. although there wandering prostitutes in rural areas worked based on calendar of fairs, similar riding circuit, in prostitutes stopped various towns based on event going on @ time, prostitutes remained in cities. cities tended draw more prostitutes due sheer size of population , institutionalization of prostitution in urban areas made more rampant in metropolitan regions. furthermore, in both urban , rural areas of society, women did not live under rule of male authority more suspected of prostitution oppressed counterparts because of fear of women did not fit stereotypical category outside of marriage or religious life. secular law, other aspects of prostitution in middle ages, difficult generalize due regional variations in attitudes towards prostitution. global trend of thirteenth century toward development of positive policy on prostitution laws exiling prostitutes changed towards sumptuary laws , confinement of prostitutes red light districts.

sumptuary laws became regulatory norm prostitutes , included making courtesans wear shoulder-knot of particular color badge of calling able distinguish prostitute respectable woman in society. color designated them prostitutes vary different earth tones yellow, designated color of shame in hebrew communities. these laws, however, proved no impediment wealthier prostitutes because glamorous appearances indistinguishable noble women.

although brothels still present in cities , urban centers, , range private bordelages run procuress home public baths , centers established municipal legislation, centers prostitution legally allowed institutionalized , publicly funded brothels. did not prevent illegal brothels thriving. furthermore, brothels theoretically banned patronage of married men , clergy also, sporadically enforced , there evidence of clergymen present in brawls documented in brothels. obvious clergy @ least present in brothels @ point or another. brothels settled obsessive fear of sharing of women , solved issue of collective security. lives of prostitutes in brothels not cloistered of nuns , lived permanently in streets assigned them. prostitutes allowed practice trade in brothel in worked. brothels used protect prostitutes , clients through various regulations. example, law forbid brothel keepers [from] beat[ing] them. however, brothel regulations hindered prostitutes lives forbidding them having lovers other customers or having favored customer.

courts showed conflicting views on role of prostitutes in secular law prostitutes not inherit property, defend in court, or make accusations in court. however, prostitutes called upon witnesses during trial.

brothel scene; brunswick monogrammist, 1537; gemäldegalerie, berlin

prostitutes on display in yoshiwara during meiji period, japan

16th–17th centuries

by end of 15th century attitudes seemed have begun harden against prostitution. outbreak of syphilis in naples 1494 later swept across europe, , may have originated columbian exchange, , prevalence of other sexually transmitted diseases earlier 16th century may have been causes of change in attitude. 16th century association between prostitutes, plague, , contagion emerged, causing brothels , prostitution outlawed secular authority. furthermore, outlawing brothel-keeping , prostitution used strengthen criminal law system of sixteenth century secular rulers. canon law defined prostitute promiscuous woman, regardless of financial elements. prostitute considered whore … [was] available lust of many men, , closely associated promiscuity.

the church s stance on prostitution three-fold: “acceptance of prostitution inevitable social fact, condemnation of profiting commerce, , encouragement prostitute repent. church forced recognize inability remove prostitution worldly society, , in fourteenth century began tolerate prostitution lesser evil. however, prostitutes excluded church long practiced. around twelfth century, idea of prostitute saints took hold, mary magdalene being 1 of popular saints of era. church used mary magdalene s biblical history of being reformed harlot encourage prostitutes repent , mend ways. simultaneously, religious houses established purpose of providing asylum , encouraging reformation of prostitution. magdalene homes particularly popular , peaked in fourteenth century. on course of middle ages, popes , religious communities made various attempts remove prostitution or reform prostitutes, varying success.

with advent of protestant reformation, numbers of southern german towns closed brothels in attempt eradicate prostitution. in periods prostitutes had distinguish particular signs, wearing short hair or no hair @ all, or wearing veils in societies other women did not wear them. ancient codes regulated in case crime of prostitute dissimulated profession. in cultures, prostitutes sole women allowed sing in public or act in theatrical performances.

18th century

according dervish ismail agha, in dellâkname-i dilküşâ, ottoman archives, in turkish baths, masseurs traditionally young men, helped wash clients soaping , scrubbing bodies. worked sex workers. ottoman texts describe were, prices, how many times bring customers orgasm, , details of sexual practices.

during british east india company s rule in india in late 18th , 19th centuries, common british soldiers engage in inter-ethnic prostitution in india, visited local indian nautch dancers. british females began arriving in british india in large numbers mid-19th century, became increasingly uncommon british soldiers visit indian prostitutes, , miscegenation despised altogether after events of indian rebellion of 1857.

19th century

in 19th century, legalized prostitution became public controversy france , united kingdom passed contagious diseases acts, legislation mandating pelvic examinations suspected prostitutes. legislation applied not united kingdom , france, overseas colonies. france, instead of trying outlaw prostitution began view prostitution evil necessary society function. france chose regulate prostitution, introducing morals brigade onto streets of paris. similar situation did in fact exist in russian empire; prostitutes operating out of government-sanctioned brothels given yellow internal passports signifying status , subjected weekly physical exams. major work, prostitution, considered in moral, social, , sanitary aspects, published william acton in 1857, estimated county of london had 80,000 prostitutes , 1 house in 60 serving brothel. leo tolstoy s novel resurrection describes legal prostitution in 19th-century russia.

during period, prostitution prominent in barbary coast, san francisco population men, due influx gold rush. 1 of more successful madams belle cora, inadvertently got involved in scandal involving husband, charles cora, shooting marshall william h. richardson. led rise of new statues against prostitution, gambling , other activities seen immoral .

women in san francisco bordello in 1870

de wallen red-light district in amsterdam

20th century

the leading theorists of communism opposed prostitution. communist governments attempted repress practice after obtaining power, although persisted. in contemporary communist countries, remains illegal nonetheless common. economic decline brought collapse of soviet union led increased prostitution in many current or former communist countries.

originally, prostitution legal in united states. prostitution made illegal in states between 1910 , 1915 largely due influence of woman s christian temperance union. on other hand, prostitution generated national revenue in south korea, hence military government encouraged prostitution u.s. military.

in 1956, united kingdom introduced sexual offences act 1956. while law did not criminalise act of prostitution in united kingdom itself, prohibited such activities running brothel. soliciting made illegal street offences act 1959. these laws partly repealed, , altered, sexual offences act 2003 , policing , crime act 2009.

beginning in late 1980s, many states in increased penalties prostitution in cases prostitute knowingly hiv-positive. penalties felony prostitution vary, maximum sentences of typically 10 15 years in prison.

sex tourism emerged in late 20th century controversial aspect of western tourism , globalization.

21st century

in 21st century, afghans revived method of prostituting young boys referred bacha bazi .

since break of soviet union, thousands of eastern european women end prostitutes in china, western europe, israel, , turkey every year; enter profession willingly, many tricked, coerced, or kidnapped, , experience captivity , violence. there tens of thousands of women eastern europe , asia working prostitutes in dubai. men saudi arabia , united arab emirates form large proportion of customers.

india s devadasi girls forced poor families dedicate hindu goddess renuka. bbc wrote in 2007 devadasis sanctified prostitutes .

historically, , currently, church prostitutes exist, , practice may legal or illegal, depending on country, state or province.


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