Novels Messalina

a 16th-century cameo of messalina , children

in 19th century france, story of messalina subject literary transformation. underlies la femme de claude (claudius wife, 1873), novel alexandre dumas fils, hero claude ruper, embodiment of french patriotic conscience after country s defeat in franco-prussian war. in contrast, wife césarine (the female caesar) creature totally corrupt @ levels, sells husband s work enemy , shot him. alfred jarry s pataphysical novel messaline of 1901 (titled garden of priapus in louis colman s english translation), though lightly based on historical account, chiefly product of author s fanciful , extravagant imagination , has been compared treatment of classical themes art nouveau artists.

a treatment in english of messalina s liaison gaius silius , subsequent death appears in fictionalised story included in american author edward maturin s sejanus , other roman tales (1839). part plays in robert graves novels i, claudius, , claudius god (1934–35) better known. in portrayed teenager @ time of marriage credited actions mentioned in ancient sources. attempt create film based on them in 1937 failed, adapted successful tv series in 1976.

more sensational fictional treatments occur in vivian crockett s messalina, wickedest woman in rome (1924) , jack oleck s messalina: novel of imperial rome (1959). oleck s novel went through many editions , later joined kevin matthews pagan empress (1964). both have since been included under genre toga porn . more recently, there has been 2002 german novel siegfried obermeier, messalina, die lasterhafte kaiserin (the empress without principle).


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