Australia Electoral roll

a permanent commonwealth electoral roll, first compiled in 1908 , maintained australian electoral commission (aec), used federal elections , referendums. forms basis of state (except in western australia, compiles own) , local electoral rolls.

enrolment has been compulsory eligible voters since 1911 (with exception of norfolk island, enrolment voluntary). eligible voters australian citizens on age of 18 years. residents in australia had been enrolled british subjects in 1984, though not australian citizens, can continue enrolled. (these comprise 9% of electoral roll.) since 2009, new south wales has drawn information various government departmental sources automatically enroll eligible electors onto state roll, not federal roll. state civil registrars required supply information, example relating death of person, enable names of deceased persons removed electoral rolls.

currently, electoral roll records name , address of voter, although in previous years occupation recorded. since 21 july 2004 commonwealth electoral roll cannot sold in format. has not been produced in printed format since 1985, when changed publication on microfiche. today produced in electronic format, , can viewed @ aec office, each of holds copy of electoral roll entire country. these arrangements try strike balance between privacy of voters , publication of roll, integral conduct of free , fair elections, enabling participants verify openness , accountability of electoral process , object enrolment of elector.


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