Environmental impact Dingo Fence
distribution map of australian dingoes. black line represents dingofence (after fleming et al. 2001).
it seems there fewer kangaroos , emus on northwestern side of fence dingoes are, suggesting dingoes presence reduces populations of animals. has been suggested larger kangaroo populations inside fence have been caused lack of dingo predation, , competition food leads lower sheep stocking rates possible without fence.
believed have been introduced australia aboriginals between 4,600 , 18,300 years ago, dingo s status native or introduced species in australia has been controversy. according dr. mike letnic, @ centre ecosystem science, unsw, dingo, australia s top predator, has important role in maintaining balance of nature , reintroduced or existing dingo populations increase biodiversity across more 2 million square kilometres of australia (avolia 2009). dingoes had been exterminated, dr. letnic found increased abundances of introduced red foxes , herbivores, while small native mammals , grasses lost. in 2011 liberal mp stuart, dan van holst pellekaan, called $200 bounty on dingos.
although fence has helped reduce loss of sheep predators, exclusion of dingoes has allowed increased pasture competition rabbits, kangaroos , emus. sheep being lost increasing numbers of feral dogs.
today, rate @ feral camel smashing down sections of fence fast increasing in southern australia. plans restructuring dog fence taller , electric in works.
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