Career Andrew Grove

1 career

1.1 helping start intel
1.2 management methods , style
1.3 preference job-centric american economy
1.4 writing & teaching
1.5 philanthropy

helping start intel

andrew grove

after completing ph.d. in 1963, grove worked @ fairchild semiconductor researcher, , 1967 had become assistant director of development. work there made him familiar development of integrated circuits, lead microcomputer revolution in 1970s. in 1967, wrote college textbook on subject, physics , technology of semiconductor devices.

andy grove, robert noyce , gordon moore (1978)

in 1968, robert noyce , gordon moore co-founded intel, after , grove left fairchild semiconductor. grove joined on day of incorporation, although not founder according company. fellow hungarian émigré leslie l. vadász intel s fourth employee. grove worked company s director of engineering, , helped manufacturing operations started. in 1983, wrote book, high output management, in described many of methods , manufacturing concepts.

initially, intel manufactured dynamic memory chips, drams. 1985, less demand memory, production problems, , challenges created japanese dumping of memory chips @ below-cost prices, grove forced make radical changes. result, chose discontinue producing drams , focus instead on manufacturing microprocessors. grove played key role in negotiating ibm use intel microprocessors in new personal computers.

the company s revenue increased $2,672 in first year $20.8 billion in 1997. grove intel s president in 1979, ceo in 1987 , chairman , ceo in 1997. relinquished ceo title in may 1998, having been diagnosed prostate cancer few years earlier, , remained chairman of board until november 2004. grove continued work @ intel senior advisor , had been lecturer @ stanford university. reflected upon intel s growth through years:

in various bits , pieces, have steered intel start-up 1 of central companies of information economy.

grove credited having transformed intel manufacturer of memory chips 1 of world s dominant producers of microprocessors. during tenure ceo, grove oversaw 4,500% increase in intel s market capitalization $4 billion $197 billion, making world s 7th largest company, 64,000 employees. of company s revenues reinvested in research , development, along building new facilities, in order produce improved , faster microprocessors.

management methods , style

pat gelsinger, ceo of vmware

as director of operations, manufacturing became grove s primary focus , management style relied heavily on management concepts. company expanded , appointed chairman, became more involved in strategic decision-making, including establishing markets new products, coordinating manufacturing processes , developing new partnerships smaller companies.

grove helped create intel architecture laboratory (ial) in oregon ensure software developed in time take advantage of new microprocessors. grove stated making decisions information technology world want 5 years future ... created culture within intel allowed innovation flourish. ceo, wanted managers encourage experimentation , prepare changes, making case value of paranoia in business. became known guiding motto: paranoid survive, , wrote management book same title.

according grove, business success contains seeds of own destruction, explaining success breeds complacency. complacency breeds failure. paranoid survive. result, urges senior executives allow people test new techniques, new products, new sales channels, , new customers, ready unexpected shifts in business or technology. grove biographer jeremy byman observes grove 1 person @ intel refused let company rest on laurels. grove explains reasoning:

a corporation living organism; has continue shed skin. methods have change. focus has change. values have change. sum total of changes transformation.

intel senior vice president ron whittier notes grove preferred keep open channels of communication between employees, , encouraged people speak minds: people here aren t afraid speak , debate andy. termed style constructive confrontation. according grove s successor @ intel, craig barrett, s give , take, , in company can yell @ him. s not above it. grove insisted people demanding on 1 another, fostered atmosphere of ruthless intelligence. philosophy, writes business author ken goldstein, bought or got walking papers.

grove s office 8 9 ft (2.4 2.7 m) cubicle other employees, disliked separate mahogany-paneled corner offices. states, ve been living in cubicles since 1978 — , hasn t hurt whole lot. preferring egalitarian atmosphere, made work area accessible walked by. there no reserved parking spaces, , grove parked wherever there space. atmosphere @ work partly reflection of personal life. have known him, such venture capitalist arthur rock, have stated has no airs. grove has lived modestly without expensive cars or airplane.

grove noted making sure important details never missed, 1 of favorite sayings being, devil in details. intel vice president dennis carter states andy disciplined, precise, , detail oriented ... @ same time, has element of intuition , creativity fundamental intel s innovation. according industry week magazine, grove feared brilliance sparked creation of intel during years, might come nothing if didn t pay attention details. carter recalls grove correct spelling errors:

when came country hungary in 1956, didn t speak english. yet learned spelling him. not have instincts of teacher, has great deal of patience.

preference job-centric american economy

while grove naturally supported helping technology startups, felt america wrong in thinking new companies increase employment. startups wonderful thing, wrote in 2010 article bloomberg, cannot increase tech employment. although many of startups , entrepreneurs achieve tremendous success , wealth, said grove, more concerned overall negative effect on america: kind of society going have if consists of highly paid people doing high-value-added work—and masses of unemployed?

he felt employment growth depended on companies ability or willingness scale within u.s. according grove, silicon valley s innovation machine on last few decades has not been adding many jobs, although american tech companies have instead been adding jobs in asia mad. noted while our investments in startups have increased dramatically, investments have in fact resulted in fewer jobs: put, wrote, u.s. has become wildly inefficient @ creating american tech jobs. therefore worked keep intel s manufacturing in u.s., company having 90,000 employees in 2010. explained causes , effects of many business s growth plans:

each company, ruggedly individualistic, best expand efficiently , improve own profitability. however, our pursuit of our individual businesses, involves transferring manufacturing , great deal of engineering out of country, has hindered our ability bring innovations scale @ home. without scaling, don t lose jobs—we lose our hold on new technologies. losing ability scale damage our capacity innovate.

to remedy problem, believed job creation should become america s number 1 objective, in asian nations. among methods felt worth considering imposition of tax on imported products, funds received made available american companies scale operations here. however, accepted fact ideas controversial: if m suggesting sounds protectionist, it. or protectionist steps lead conflicts our trade partners: if result trade war, treat other wars—fight win. added:

all of in business have responsibility maintain industrial base on depend , society adaptability — , stability — may have taken granted.

grove in minority of high-tech leaders when advocated taxing internet sales made other states: don t think electronic commerce needs federal or state subsidies in terms of tax advantages, told congressional committee in 2000. @ same hearing, expressed opinion internet privacy, stating personal data form of property , s inevitable governments regulate property rights. said better if federal government established own uniform privacy standards rather have states create patchwork of different laws.

writing & teaching

grove noted author , scientist. first book on semiconductors, physics , technology of semiconductor devices (1967), has been used leading universities. book wrote on business operation methods, high output management (1983), has been translated 11 languages. wrote on 40 technical papers , held several patents on semiconductor devices.

grove wrote paranoid survive, business book, core message company in pursuit of stronger competitive advantage never rests.

he taught graduate computer physics courses @ university of california, berkeley , stanford graduate school of business.


grove school of engineering-ccny

in 2005, grove made largest donation city college of new york (cuny) has ever received. grant of $26 million transformed ccny school of engineering grove school of engineering.

grove instrumental, key fundraiser, in establishing university of california, san francisco s mission bay campus, largest ongoing biomedical construction project in world. chancellor sam hawgood said grove s generous , tireless support of ucsf has transformed our university , helped accelerate our research breakthrough treatments , better patient care.

ucsf mission bay campus

among research facilities helped fund ucsf prostate cancer center, helen diller family cancer research building, , clinical , translational science institute. promoted general surgery initiatives , supported various obstetrics , gynecology research programs.

grove longtime member of international rescue committee (irc), along being 1 of overseers , member of board of directors. founding supporter of irc s pathways citizenship program. in 2010, irc honored him 1 of ten distinguished refugees. in interview in esquire magazine in 2000, grove encouraged united states vigilant nation have tolerance difference, tolerance new people. pointed out immigration , immigrants made america is.


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