Types Deception

deception of woman, self-portrait stanisław ignacy witkiewicz, 1927 (national museum, warsaw.

deception includes several types of communications or omissions serve distort or omit complete truth. examples of deception range false statements misleading claims in relevant information omitted, leading receiver infer false conclusions. example, claim sunflower oil beneficial brain health due presence of omega-3 fatty acids may misleading, leads receiver believe sunflower oil benefit brain health more other foods. in fact, sunflower oil relatively low in omega-3 fatty acids , not particularly brain health, while claim technically true, leads receiver infer false information. deception intentionally managing verbal or nonverbal messages message receiver believe in way message sender knows false. intent critical regard deception. intent differentiates between deception , honest mistake. interpersonal deception theory explores interrelation between communicative context , sender , receiver cognitions , behaviors in deceptive exchanges.

some forms of deception include:

many people believe @ deception, though confidence misplaced.


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