Philanthropy Andrew Grove

grove school of engineering-ccny

in 2005, grove made largest donation city college of new york (cuny) has ever received. grant of $26 million transformed ccny school of engineering grove school of engineering.

grove instrumental, key fundraiser, in establishing university of california, san francisco s mission bay campus, largest ongoing biomedical construction project in world. chancellor sam hawgood said grove s generous , tireless support of ucsf has transformed our university , helped accelerate our research breakthrough treatments , better patient care.

ucsf mission bay campus

among research facilities helped fund ucsf prostate cancer center, helen diller family cancer research building, , clinical , translational science institute. promoted general surgery initiatives , supported various obstetrics , gynecology research programs.

grove longtime member of international rescue committee (irc), along being 1 of overseers , member of board of directors. founding supporter of irc s pathways citizenship program. in 2010, irc honored him 1 of ten distinguished refugees. in interview in esquire magazine in 2000, grove encouraged united states vigilant nation have tolerance difference, tolerance new people. pointed out immigration , immigrants made america is.


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