Other cover versions Popcorn (instrumental)

other cover versions of song have been recorded, of add lyrics (which have been added in @ least 6 languages). artists reworked , made cover record include:

in 1988, m&h band made uptempo cover of popcorn has subsequently been misattributed kraftwerk. m&h version misattributed synthpop artist jean michel jarre. there version circulating on internet claimed have been made avant-garde group residents though sounds vastly different residents usual experimental sound. version made hard house artists called rezidents, hence confusion between two.british electronic artist richard d. james recorded cover on ep joyrex j4 ep under alias caustic window in 1992.

live performances include of muse. band performed song live in teignmouth, uk during 2 nights @ den. song featured prominent electric guitar along heavy percussion , bass. studio version of cover released on 2010 single resistance . faith no more covered song live in argentina in second coming tour.


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