Operation Puffing Billy Railway

v.r. na class 7a @ menzies creek on 12 april 1971 fireman clearing ash smokebox

operations centred on belgrave, houses main offices of railway (other offices located @ emerald) locomotive running shed , locomotive workshops. base track maintenance operations.

most trains start belgrave , travel lakeside, or terminus @ gembrook, , return. railway operates every day of year except christmas day, @ least 3 , 6 advertised services departing belgrave each day. 1 service each day has option of first-class carriages , lunch.

a semi-regular service dinner train, departs belgrave on friday or saturday evening , travels nobelius siding, passengers disembark , have sit-down dinner in converted packing shed of former nobelius nursery. after meal, passengers rejoin train return journey belgrave. savouries , drinks served on train.

a popular feature of ride on puffing billy sitting on ledge of open-sided carriages (see picture).

there narrow gauge railway museum adjacent menzies creek station, closed re-development.


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