History Badami

1 history

1.1 pre-historic
1.2 historic
1.3 inscriptions


dravidian architecture - badami chalukyas
hindu temple architecture - badami chalukya architecture
political history of medieval karnataka - badami chalukyas
architecture of karnataka - badami chalukya architecture
chalukyas of badami

extent of badami chalukyas empire, 636 ce, 740 ce


badami region settled in pre-historic times, evidence megalithic dolmens. hiregudda,



the puranas state wicked asura vatapi killed sage agastya, , refers area vatapi , agastya tirtha. in ramayana, agastya , lopamudra described living in dandaka forest, on southern slopes of vindhya mountains. rama praises agastya 1 can gods find impossible. described sage used dharma powers kill demons vatapi , ilwala after had jointly misled , destroyed 9,000 men.

in mahabharata, sage agastya described in epic sage enormous powers of ingestion , digestion. kill men, asura vatapi used become goat , brother ilvala cook him. then, vatapi recollect in stomach , tear himself out inside of victim, killing victim. when agastya arrives, ilvala offers goat again. kills vatapi digesting meal ate, giving vatapi no time self organize. agastya, in legends of mahabharata, kills demons vatapi , ilvala same mythical way in ramayana.


badami chalukyas founded in 540 ad pulakeshin (535-566 ad), ruler of chalukyas regarded founder of chalukya line. inscription record of king engraved on boulder in badami records fortification of hill above vatapi in 544. pulakeshin s choice of location capital no doubt dedicated strategic considerations since badami protected on 3 sides rugged sandstone cliffs. sons kirtivarman (567-598 ad) , brother mangalesha (598-610 ad) constructed cave temples.kirtivarman strengthened vatapi , had 3 sons pulakeshin ii, vishnuvardhana , buddhavarasa, @ death minors, making them ineligible rule, kirtivarman s brother mangalesha took throne , tried establish rule, killed pulakeshin ii ruled between 610 a.d 642 a.d. vatapi capital of chalukyas, ruled of karnataka, maharashtra, parts of tamil nadu , andhra pradesh between 6th , 8th centuries. greatest among them pulakeshin ii (610-642 ad) defeated many kings including pallavas of kanchipuram.

old kannada inscription of chalukya king mangalesha dated 578 ce @ badami cave temple no.3

the rock-cut badami cave temples sculpted between 6th , 8th centuries.


badami has eighteen inscriptions, among them inscriptions important. first sanskrit inscription in old kannada script, on hillock dates 543 ce, period of pulakeshin (vallabheswara), second 578 ce cave inscription of mangalesha in kannada language , script , third kappe arabhatta records, earliest available kannada poetry in tripadi (three line) metre. 1 inscription near bhuthanatha temple has inscriptions dating 12th century in jain rock-cut temple dedicated tirtankara adinatha.


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