Early development Middle Stone Age

the awash valley

the origins of msa characterized in regions acheulian msa transition. transition considered gradual process, rather singular event wherein hominin technologies advanced rapidly. although dates transition vary widely, oldest reliably dated msa site gademotta in ethiopia @ greater 276 thousand years ago. middle awash valley of ethiopia , central rift valley of kenya constituted major center behavioural innovation. large terrestrial mammal biomass of these regions supported substantial human populations subsistence , manufacturing patterns similar of ethnographically known foragers.

archaeological evidence eastern africa extending rift valley ethiopia northern tanzania represents largest archaeological evidence of shift late acheulian middle stone age tool technologies. transition characterized stratigraphic layering of acheulian stone tools, bifacial handaxe technology, underneath , contemporaneous msa technologies, such levallois tools, flakes, flaked tools, pointed flakes, smaller bifaces projectile in form, and, on rare occasions, hafted tools. evidence of gradual displacement of acheulian msa technologies further supported layering , contemporaneous placement, earliest appearance of msa technologies @ gademotta , latest acheulian technologies @ bouri formation of ethiopia, dated 154 160 kya. suggests possible overlap of 100-150 thousand years.

south african cave sites have contributed data regarding shift accurate dating due deposits of volcanic ash, have allowed these sites dated between 999 , 49 thousand years ago. cave of hearths , montague cave in south africa contain evidence of acheulian technologies, later msa technologies, there no evidence of crossover in region.


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