Works Russell Ayto

1 works

1.1 adult cover art
1.2 children s books writer
1.3 children s books illustrator

1.3.1 1990s
1.3.2 2000s
1.3.3 2010s

adult cover art

oxford coffee houses, 1651–1800 norma albertin-potter , alyx bennett (hampden, 1987)
why in vietnam? norman mailer, later edition (oxford university press, 1988)
fludd hilary mantel, first edition (viking press, 1989)

children s books writer

the other day met bear, self-illustrated, walker books, 2001

children s books illustrator



the love bugs simon puttock, harpercollins, 2010
captain flinn , pirate dinosaurs – smugglers bay! giles andreas, puffin, 2010
first week @ cow school andy cutbill, harpercollins, 2011

^ book details . retrieved 2012-07-24. 


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