Wedgwood and Etruscan art Etruria Works

jasperware vase , cover. made wedgwood, etruria, england, 1790, unglazed stoneware victoria , albert museum no. 2416-1901

the motto of etruria works artes etruriae renascuntur. may translated latin arts of etruria reborn . wedgwood inspired ancient pottery described etruscan. in particular interested in artworks sir william hamilton began collect in 1760s while serving british ambassador kingdom of naples. hamilton s collections published etruscan, although term misnomer, many of etruscan items turned out pottery of ancient greece.

more authentically etruscan in inspiration wedgwood s black basalt stone ware, in development etruria works being built , came on market in 1768. black, burnished , unglazed bucchero pottery characteristic of genuinely etruscan ceramics, wedgwood s black basaltes fired in reducing atmosphere, achieved closing vents, oxygen-starved flames drew off oxygen iron oxides, rendering ceramic body black, color enriched , deepened addition of manganese clay.

the designers employed wedgwood, of whom john flaxman famous, able adapt classical art eighteenth-century market. products of wedgwood s factory admired in britain , abroad. of flaxman s designs still in production today.


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