Background Leader–member exchange theory

based on dulebohn et al.

dulebohn et al. identify 3 primary groups of antecedents: leader characteristics, follower characteristics, , interpersonal relationships. followers evaluated competence, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, , openness, positive affectivity, negative affectivity, , locus of control. leaders, on other hand, evaluated based on supervisor s expectation of followers, contingent reward behavior, transformational leadership, extraversion, , agreeableness. although leader takes dominant role in creating lmx relationship, follower plays important part in creating relationship. interpersonal relationship variables may affect relationship perceived similarity, affect/liking, integration, self-promotion, assertiveness, , leader trust. variety of characteristics creates basis lmx , allows successful or unsuccessful, depending on present traits.

of follower characteristics, competence, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, locus of control, , positive affectivity positively correlated lmx. negative affectivity , neuroticism negatively correlated lmx. of listed leader characteristics positively correlated lmx. exception of assertiveness, of interpersonal relationship variable correlated positively lmx. in experiment run dulebohn et al. measured effects of various characteristics on lmx , outcomes, leader behaviors , perceptions explained of variance. study suggests leader form relationships necessary successful implementation of lmx.


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