Application of r/K selection theory to race J. Philippe Rushton

rushton s book race, evolution, , behavior (1995) uses r/k selection theory explain how east asians consistently average high, blacks low, , whites in middle on evolutionary scale of characteristics indicative of nurturing behavior. first published theory in 1984. rushton argues east asians , descendants average larger brain size, greater intelligence, more sexual restraint, slower rates of maturation, , greater law abidingness , social organization europeans , descendants, average higher scores on these dimensions africans , descendants. theorizes r/k selection theory explains these differences.

rushton s application of r/k selection theory explain differences among racial groups has been criticised. 1 of many critics evolutionary biologist joseph l. graves, has done extensive testing of r/k selection theory species of drosophila flies. graves argues not r/k selection theory considered virtually useless when applied human life history evolution, rushton not apply theory correctly, , displays lack of understanding of evolutionary theory in general. graves says rushton misrepresented sources biological data gathered in support of hypothesis, , of social science data collected dubious means. other scholars have argued against rushton s hypothesis on basis concept of race not supported genetic evidence diversity of human populations, , research based on folk taxonomies. number of later studies rushton , other researchers have argued there empirical support theory, though these studies have been criticized.

psychologist david p. barash notes r- , k-selection may have validity when considering so-called demographic transition, whereby economic development characteristically leads reduced family size , other k traits. pan-human phenomenon, flexible, adaptive response changed environmental conditions ... rushton wields r- , k-selection procrustean bed, doing can make available data fit ... bad science , virulent racial prejudice drip pus every page of despicable book.


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