Ecology Crown Hill Park

1 ecology

1.1 flora

1.1.1 graminoids
1.1.2 forbs
1.1.3 trees , shrubs

1.2 fauna

1.2.1 avian
1.2.2 fish


crown hill park s general lack of vegetative diversity legacy of agricultural past. 85% of cover non-native grasslands; remaining 15% wetland/riparian.


(grasses, grass-like plants)

canada bluegrass ([poa compressa])
canada wildrye (elymus canadensis) - native
cheatgrass (bromus tectorum)
crested wheatgrass (agropyron cristatum)
fescue (festuca sp.)
foxtail barley (hordeum jubatum) - native
goatgrass (aegilops cylindrica)
green needlegrass (nassella viridula) - native
intermediate wheatgrass (elytrigia intermedia)
intermediate wheatgrass (elytrigia intermedia v. trichophorum)
japanese brome (bromus japonicus)
kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis)
orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata)
quackgrass (agropyron repens)
rye (secale cereale)
sand dropseed (sporobolus cryptandrus) - native
slender wheatgrass (elymus trachycaulus) - native
smooth brome (bromus inermis)
sedge (carex sp.) - native
spikerush (eleocharis sp.) - native
tall wheatgrass (elytrigia elongata)
timothy (phleum pratense)
western wheatgrass (agropyron smithii) - native
wild oats (avena fatua ssp. sativa)


(non-woody flowering plant not grass)

alfalfa (medicago sativa)
alyssum (alyssum minus)
asparagus (asparagus officinalis)
aster (aster sp.) - native
bindweed (convolvulus arvensis)
black medic (medicago lupulina)
canada thistle (cirsium arvense)
cattails (typha sp.) - native
cf. coreopsis (coreopsis tinctoria) - native
clasping peppergrass (lepidium perfoliatum)
copper mallow (sphaeralcea coccinea) - native
curly dock (rumex crispus)
dalmatian toadflax (linaria dalmatica)
dandelion (taraxacum officinale)
false flax (camelina microcarpa)
false salsify (scorzonera (podospermum) laciniatum)
fieldcress (neolepia campestre)
fleabane (erigeron divergens) - native
fogfruit (phyla (lippia) cuneifolia) - native
giant ragweed (ambrosia trifida)
goosefoot (chenopodium sp.)
groundcherry (physalis sp.) - native
gumweed (grindelia squarrosa) - native
hairy evening-primrose (oenothera villosa) - native
hairy vetch (vicia villosa)
horseweed (conyza canadensis)
jimm hill mustard (sisymbrium altissimum)
kochia (kochia scoparia)
mallow (malva neglecta)
mullein (verbascum thapsus)
musk thistle (carduus nutans)
narrow-leaf plantain (plantago lanceolata)
oyster plant (tragopogon porrifolius)
pennycress (thlaspi arvense)
poison hemlock (conium maculatum)
prickly lettuce (lactuca serriola)
ragweed (ambrosia sp.)
red clover (trifolium pratense)
salsify (tragopogon dubius)
scarlet gaura (gaura coccinea) - native
showy milkweed (asclepias speciosa) - native
slim-flowered scurfpea (psoralea tenuiflora) - native
tansy mustard (descurainia sp.)
thistle (cirsium cf. undulatum) - native
tumble knapweed (centaurea diffusa)
velvety gaura (gaura parviflora) - native
white heath aster (aster ericoides) - native
white sweetclover (melilotus alba)
whitetop (cardaria chalapense)
whitetop (cardaria draba)
wintercress (cardaria chalepensis)
yellow sweetclover (melilotus officinalis)
wild licorice (glycyrrhiza lepidota) - native

trees , shrubs

a stand of trees russian olive prominent in right foreground.

green ash (fraxinus pensylvanica)
black locust (robinia sp.)
peachleaf willow (salix amygdaloides) - native
plains cottonwood (populus deltoides ssp. monolifera) - native
rabbitbrush (chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. graveolens) - native
rocky mountain juniper (juniperus scopulorum)
russian olive (eleagnus angustifolia)
sandbar willow (salix exigua) - native
siberian elm (ulmus pumila)
silver maple (acer saccharinum)
wild rose (rosa sayi) - native


in order of frequency of observations

bald eagles @ crown hill park, december 24, 2016.

european starling
canada goose
red-winged blackbird
mourning dove
northern flicker (common)
house finch
black-billed magpie
house sparrow
american robin
song sparrow
brewer s blackbird
american tree sparrow
black-capped chickadee
common grackle
green-winged teal
northern shoveler
american kestrel
blue-winged teal
wood duck
wilson s warbler
northern shrike
violet-green swallow
black tern
cinnamon teal
bullock s oriole
spotted sandpiper
western meadowlark
yellow warbler
great blue heron
downy woodpecker
red-tailed hawk
virginia rail
warbling vireo
american coot
belted kingfisher
blue jay
hooded merganser
pied-billed grebe
spotted towhee (rufous-sided)
yellow-headed blackbird
yellow-rumped warbler
bald eagle


catfish - stocked
carp - stocked
largemouth bass - stocked


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