Appearing in The Lost World List of Jurassic Park characters

1 appearing in lost world

1.1 dr. sarah harding
1.2 kelly curtis
1.3 nick van owen
1.4 richard levine
1.5 jack doc thorne
1.6 ajay sidhu
1.7 eddie carr
1.8 r. b. arby benton
1.9 howard king
1.10 george baselton
1.11 diego
1.12 peter ludlow
1.13 roland tembo
1.14 dieter stark
1.15 dr. robert burke
1.16 carter
1.17 ed james

appearing in lost world

these characters first appear either in novel, lost world, or in film adaptation, lost world: jurassic park.

dr. sarah harding

appears in: lost world (novel , film)
portrayed by: julianne moore

in novel, dr. sarah harding animal behaviorist specializes in african predators. intelligent, feisty, , rugged, , employs common sense , practicality in dangerous situations, putting safety of colleagues first. calm, skilled personality permits take command of group , devise ways them survive , escape island. , ian malcolm in relationship period, , @ 1 point claimed in love him. relationship did not work out, although still remained close friends. idolized kelly sees tough , smart. in novel, mentions father veterinarian , bird specialist @ san diego zoo, implying dr. harding father.

in movie, dr. harding s character merged of richard levine s. still intelligent , feisty kind , jolly, impulsive , eager interact animals, placing herself , others in danger. well, character behavioral paleontologist, rather animal behaviorist, specializes in dinosaur parenting behavior. relationship ian malcolm far more in-depth, remain duration of film. shows such heroism , nobility such petting baby stegosaurus, freeing dinosaurs ingen, healing baby t-rex s leg, , shooting male t-rex sleeping arrow protect him military , police forces in san diego s port.

kelly curtis

appears in: lost world (novel , film)
portrayed by: vanessa lee chester

kelly curtis close friend of arby and, in film only, malcolm s daughter. kelly fascinated science , idolizes dr. sarah harding. when learned sarah on trip, decided sneak aboard. in both film , novel, kelly manages overpower velociraptor hitting 1 broken pipe , shooting 1 lindstradt air rifle. film adaptation merges character arby s. in film, said skilled gymnast, uses rescue father velociraptor.

nick van owen

appears in: lost world (film)
portrayed by: vince vaughn

nick van owen video documentarian , member of malcolm s expedition isla sorna. experienced documentary filmmaker, having covered wars in rwanda , bosnia. has worked greenpeace, experience later spurs him act in defense of dinosaurs. member of team warned ingen s expedition, , sneaks camp release captured animals , disrupt harvesting operation. rescues infant t. rex tembo, leading confrontation parents strands both teams on island. teams merge , form escape plan, nick gains tacit respect of rugged ingen men, in 1 scene shown effortlessly motivate men while peter ludlow fails. activist nature conflicts great white hunter style of tembo, , later covertly switches latter s ammunition ensure t. rex adults not killed. when group reaches ingen compound, nick uses radio call rescue. last seen on first evacuation helicopter, reflecting.

david koepp, film s writer, chose surname van owen reference 1 of favorite songs, roland headless thompson gunner , warren zevon.

richard levine

appears in: lost world (novel)

in jurassic park universe, richard levine 1 of world s brilliant , richest paleontologists. dr. marty guitierrez seems real friend, although forms delicate relationship ian malcolm. levine s egotism , spontaneous personality prove source of constant irritation rest of colleagues, malcolm. however, children, arby benton , kelly curtis him, leading him develop paternal attitude towards them.

levine intended travel isla sorna part of malcolm s team, but, instead, heads out on own before costa rican government has chance destroy island. when rest of team arrives, find running after him when decides continue research regardless of else happening around him. although bitten twice compies, escapes island without major harm. while not appearing in film, aspects of him merged character dr. sarah harding.

jack doc thorne

appears in: lost world (novel)

jack doc thorne former university professor , materials engineer specializes in building field equipment, vehicles, , weaponry scientists on world. eclectic mix of character traits, relying on both practical expertise , eastern philosophy, claiming 1 needs know philosophy , history succeed in engineering. company, mobile field systems, hired richard levine outfit expedition study dinosaur population on isla sorna. thorne s contribution levine s mission includes large research trailer, nicknamed challenger , electric suv, motor bike, pair of lindstradt air rifles, , modified satellite phone. when levine goes missing on island, thorne ends heading isla sorna ian malcolm , eddie carr retrieve him. on island, thorne ends saving friends multiple times, , survives time on island.

thorne not character in film, although parts of character integrated roles of eddie carr , roland tembo.

ajay sidhu

appears in: lost world (film)
portrayed by: harvey jason

ajay sidhu roland tembo s best friend , hunting partner india. accompanies tembo during attempt capture t. rex. fleeing t. rex, warns tembo s men stay out of long grass, disobey warning, after follows them in. entire group killed velociraptors. ajay s death not shown on screen, tembo later confirms it, stating ajay didn t make .

eddie carr

appears in: lost world (novel , film)
portrayed by: richard schiff

eddie carr group s field equipment expert. added team sent island because vehicles designed have not been field-tested. eddie frightened isla sorna , wants nothing more retrieve richard levine , off island possible. has antagonistic relationship ian malcolm, not carr s world heavily influenced unreliable electronics. killed pack of raptors while fighting them off iron pipe. in film, while attempting rescue ian, sarah, , nick, killed 2 adult t. rex before push trailers off cliff. in film, relationship malcolm apparently positive, malcolm leaves him take care of daughter. when eaten, malcolm demands given respect trying rescue them.

in second novel, described compact, strong, 25-year-old prefers city. in film, has black hair, balding, , @ least ten years older description in novel, taking on characteristics of doc thorne.

r. b. arby benton

appears in: lost world (novel)

r. b. arby benton young african american friends kelly. tends quiet , shy, intelligent , computers. when kelly expressed interest in stowing away in challenger him, came plan on how so. character never appeared in movie adaptation of novel.

howard king

appears in: lost world (novel)

howard king assistant lewis dodgson. once successful biologist employed biosyn, lost credibility when research on blood-coagulation factors failed. dodgson hired king assistant in reverse engineering department. divorced , has 1 child, sees on weekends. in novel, accompanies dodgson island, separate when fail retrieve eggs tyrannosaurus nest. king begins disagree dodgson s dark desires, relieved when sees beaten body. eventually, killed velociraptors while trying escape field. death may have inspired raptor attack on ingen team in movie , worked third movie via udesky.

george baselton

appears in: lost world (novel)

george baselton stanford university s regis professor of biology , assistant lewis dodgson. known authority , pundit, retained biosyn , dodgson spin bad press may arise. when , dodgson trying steal tyrannosaurus eggs, sonic device dodgson using keep parent tyrannosaurs @ bay becomes unplugged. both men stand absolutely still, falsely believing dinosaur s vision based on movement. tyrannosaurus subsequently kills him.


appears in: lost world (novel)

diego levine s guide on isla sorna. young, enthusiastic costa rican went island several times boy , knows better else. not believe dinosaurs there. when levine warns him quiet, says have nothing fear. seems annoy levine many times, not insistence birds live on island, disobeying orders refrain using items cigarettes while on isla sorna. diego killed when ambushed carnotaurus while , levine watch mussaurus in total awe. movie character named carter seems have inherited attitude in second film. enrique, third movie, resembles diego.

peter ludlow

appears in: lost world (film), jurassic park: redemption (comic book)
portrayed by: arliss howard

peter ludlow newly elected ceo of ingen. john hammond s nephew, , main antagonist of second film. attained ceo s position during impromptu meeting ingen s board of directors after accident involving pack of compies prompts them unanimously oust hammond. character, based on lewis dodgson, described ruthless, selfish, greedy, , condescending toward work him or dislikes. result, not respected members of team chose follow roland tembo or nick van owen instead of him. in attempt revitalize hammond s original attraction, ludlow assembles ingen team recover isla sorna s dinosaurs display in san diego, california. ludlow manages bring male t. rex , infant, disastrous results leading own demise, adult t. rex begins wreak havoc on san diego.

in addition character, ludlow s death mirrors of lewis dodgson. while trying recapture infant in hold of ingen cargo ship, confronted , captured adult , fed infant.

in non-canonical comic series, ludlow survives baby t. rex attack horribly scarred, sits on wheelchair due legs being useless; face covered numerous scars. killed, time velociraptors due tim murphy s actions.

roland tembo

appears in: lost world (film)
portrayed by: pete postlethwaite

roland tembo famous animal hunter hired ingen expedition. although hired ingen, primary motivation going isla sorna hunting partner, ajay sidhu possibility of hunting ultimate trophy, male tyrannosaurus. though hunter, tembo not cruel or bloodthirsty, , holds personal moral code towards others, such preventing possibility men fall victim predators if camp on game trails, helping malcolm , team cliff after trailers knocked off tyrannosaurus, asking men never tell kelly gruesome death of dieter, , allowing group take break after seeing sarah , several of men feeling tired during journey. although gets prize in end, loses rest of team, including ajay, characterized tembo s best friend, raptors. when ludlow offers him job @ new jurassic park in san diego, declines saying; ve spent enough time in company of death. without hesitation, tembo leaves island helicopter.

as van owen, koepp chose name roland reference 1 of favorite songs, roland headless thompson gunner , warren zevon.

dieter stark

appears in: lost world (film)
portrayed by: peter stormare

dieter stark appointed ingen tembo s second-in-command. tembo not respect him as trusted friend ajay sidhu. might due stark being bloodthirsty , cruel hunter, tembo not. after getting lost while trying find spot urinate, attacked , killed group of compies; confirmed after tembo , ajay find him @ night. return camp, dr. malcolm asks tembo if has found stark. tembo responds: parts didn t like.

his death mirrors of john hammond original novel. although surname not verbally mentioned in film itself, listed in credits. portrayed in film swedish.

dr. robert burke

appears in: lost world (film)
portrayed by: thomas f. duffy

dr. robert burke ingen s resident paleontologist. although considered ingen 1 of top scientists, provides several pieces of incorrect information.

during conversation ian malcolm, sarah harding states, robert burke said t. rex rogue abandon young @ earliest opportunity. know can prove otherwise. burke s theory disproved later in film when adult tyrannosaurs attack trailer in infant being held.

burke killed tyrannosaurus while hiding under waterfall when startled snake slithering down shirt, sarah, nick, , kelly s shock. ironically, snake in question not venomous.


appears in: lost world (film)
portrayed by: thomas rosales, jr.

carter dieter stark s friend , member of ingen team. seems absent-minded @ times (thanks headphones) evident when dieter cries attacked compies. carter killed when female t. rex steps on him while flees rest of ingen team.

ed james

appears in: lost world (novel)

ed james private investigator hired dodgson shortly after events in first novel information survivors of isla nublar incident. after following richard levine around while, learns location of isla sorna, reports dodgson. not accompany either team isla sorna.


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