8th to 7th centuries Phrygians

detail reconstruction of phrygian building @ pararli, turkey, seventh sixth century bc; museum of anatolian civilizations, ankara: griffin, sphinx , 2 centaurs shown.

the invasion of anatolia in late 8th century bc 7th century bc cimmerians prove fatal independent phrygia. cimmerian pressure , attacks culminated in suicide of last king, midas, according legend. gordium fell cimmerians in 696 bc , sacked , burnt, reported later herodotus.

a series of digs have opened gordium 1 of turkey s revealing archeological sites. excavations confirm violent destruction of gordion around 675 bc. tomb of midas period, popularly identified tomb of midas revealed wooden structure buried under vast tumulus, containing grave goods, coffin, furniture, , food offerings (archaeological museum, ankara). gordium site contains considerable later building program, perhaps alyattes, lydian king, in 6th century bc.

tomb @ ‘midas city’, near eskişehir (sixth century bc)

minor phrygian kingdoms continued exist after end of phrygian empire, , phrygian art , culture continued flourish. cimmerian people stayed in anatolia not appear have created kingdom of own. lydians repulsed cimmerians in 620s, , phrygia subsumed short-lived lydian empire. eastern part of former phrygian empire fell hands of medes in 585 bc.

phrygian costumes


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