Notable academic staff School of Computer Science, University of Manchester

1 notable academic staff

1.1 advanced processor technologies
1.2 bio-health informatics
1.3 formal methods
1.4 information management
1.5 machine learning , optimisation
1.6 nano engineering , storage technologies
1.7 software systems
1.8 text mining
1.9 advanced interfaces
1.10 imaging science

notable academic staff

terri attwood
andy brass
jack dongarra
steve furber
carole goble
ross d. king
jim miles
norman paton
allan m. ramsay
robert stevens
andrei voronkov

the school organised 9 different research groups received funding wide range of sources including european union, engineering , physical sciences research council , biotechnology , biological sciences research council.

advanced processor technologies

the advanced processor technologies (apt) group researches advanced , novel approaches processing , computation , led professor steve furber. new projects include spinnaker, transactional memory, , teraflux. academic staff in group include dr nick filer, dr jim garside, dr david lester, dr mikel luján, dr john v woods, dr javier navaridas, dr vasilis pavlidis, dr eva m. navarro-lópez, dr dirk koch, dr antoniu pop , emeritus professor ian watson, visiting professor alisdair rawsthorne , fellow barry cheetham. past research projects include jamaica, amulet microprocessor, network on chip, asynchronous digital signal processors , system on chip.

bio-health informatics

the bio-health informatics group (bhig) conducts research in bioinformatics , health informatics ranging applications in molecular biology through clinical e-science , healthcare applications. academic staff in group include emeritus professor alan rector, professor andy brass , robert stevens.

formal methods

the formal methods group has broad span of interests, ranging developing new mathematics of computational behaviour, study , development of system design , verification methods. there large group dedicated automation of logic including world-champion vampire. group led professor allan ramsay , includes professor peter aczel, professor andrei voronkov, professor howard barringer amongst more dozen staff , large number of research students.

information management

the information management group (img) conducts basic , applied design, development , use of data , knowledge management systems. such research activities broad in nature scope, including basic research on models , languages underpins activities on algorithms, technologies , architectures. challenging applications motivate , validate research, in particular semantic web , e-science. examples of recent research include protégé, utopia documents, mygrid, taverna workbench, myexperiment, open phacts. academic staff in group include professor carole goble cbe, professor norman paton, professor ulrike sattler, professor robert stevens, sean bechhofer, andy carpenter, suzanne embury, alvaro a. a. fernandes, simon harper, bijan parsia, rizos sakelloirou, sandra sampaio , ning zhang.

machine learning , optimisation

the machine learning , optimisation (mlo) group conduct world-leading research wide range of techniques , applications of machine learning, optimization, data mining, probabilistic modelling, pattern recognition , machine perception. academic staff include jon shapiro (group leader), professor ross king, creator of robot scientist, gavin brown, ke chen, richard neville , xiaojun zeng.

nano engineering , storage technologies

the nano engineering , storage technologies (nest) group has research interests in nano fabrication data storage , advanced sensors applications , investigation of data storage systems in general. nest group housed in integrated suite of staff offices, general-purpose laboratory space , class 100/1000 cleanrooms , founder member of manchester centre mesoscience , nanotechnology ground-breaking, nobel prize–winning work on graphene andre geim , konstantin novoselov undertaken. group led professor thomas thomson, academic staff members include professor jim miles, ernie w hill, milan mihajlovic , paul w nutter.

software systems

the software systems group concerned design, modelling, simulation , construction of mission-critical systems challenge states-of-the-art in both software engineering , performance engineering. such systems fundamentally composed of physically distributed component sub-systems, , characterised large data spaces , high compute needs, associated complex interactions between components. group led professor john gurd, academic staff members include professor john keane, len freeman, kung-kiu lau, liping zhao, rupert ford , graham riley.

text mining

the text mining group performs research extract useful information , knowledge unstructured text, particularly in field of bioinformatics. group performs research natural language processing (nlp) , hosts national centre text mining. group led professor sophia ananiadou , includes academic members professor jun ichi tsujii, john mcnaught , goran nenadic.

advanced interfaces

the advanced interfaces group (aig) researches virtual environments, collaborative visualization systems, , computer vision. group led steve pettifer , includes academic staff professor terri attwood, jointly faculty of life sciences, aphrodite galata, toby howard, tim morris, , emeritus professor roger hubbold. current projects include utopia software.

imaging science

the imaging sciences part of centre imaging sciences, world-class research department focusing on imaging physics, image processing, computer vision, , development , application of imaging biomarkers in healthcare. group run professor chris taylor jointly school of medicine. group includes dr carole twining , professor tim cootes.


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