Natural gas controversies 21st-century fossil fuel regulations in the United States

natural gas facility

drilling has increased 2 out of 6 “criteria” pollutants (particulate matter , ozone) epa regulates due negative impacts. people come in contact these air pollutants can have severe health problems such respiratory issues, cardiovascular disease, , cancer. study has found people within half mile gas site more have health problems air pollution people living farther.

drilling risks contaminating surface water , groundwater, harms people drinking water sources. contamination happens when hazardous chemicals drilling process leak water, when processing , refining gas leave residue, , when disposal of waste water nearby pollutes land. these chemicals can radioactive materials, methane, other gases, , carcinogenic chemicals. however, industry has countered contamination result of bad practice , not of bad industry.

drilling harms ecosystems because drilling site accompanied construction, land disturbance, , land clearing. causes erosion of not dirt of other harmful pollutants. , drilling fragments wildlife’s habitat , migration needs.

the transportation of natural gas in pipes results in methane leakage. methane 34 times stronger co2 @ trapping heat on 100-year period.

the disposal of wastewater @ fracking sites injecting @ high pressure injection wells has caused small earth tremors. @ least half of 4.5 magnitude earthquakes in united states in last 10 years have happened in places there has been injection.

fracking uses huge amounts of water needs transported, inflicts not high cost industry high toll on environment.

anti-fracking protest

social controversies

anti-fracking campaigners, including greenpeace, have said fracking department of energy s attempt distract investment in renewable energy. because natural gas industry encouraging continued reliance on fossil fuels, claim boosts economy through exports , job opportunities.

the environmental justice aspect of hydraulic fracturing sites more located in places higher percentage of minority , low-income people. means higher water contamination, air pollution, ecosystem harm, , more risk earthquakes communities.


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