Life and work Shulgi

tablet of shulgi

shortly after father s death, shulgi engaged in series of punitive wars against gutians avenge father. activity recorded in year-names first few years involved temple construction.

shulgi best known extensive revision of scribal school s curriculum. although unclear how wrote, there numerous praise poems written , directed towards ruler. proclaimed himself god in 23rd regnal year.

some chronicles castigate shulgi impiety: weidner chronicle (abc 19) states did not perform rites letter, defiled purification rituals . cm 48 charges him improper tampering rites, composing untruthful stelae, insolent writings on them. chronicle of kings (abc 20) accuses him of criminal tendencies, , property of esagila , babylon took away booty.

while der had been 1 of cities temple affairs shulgi had directed in first part of reign, in 20th year claimed gods had decided destroyed, apparently punishment. inscriptions state put field accounts in order pick-axe. 18th year-name year liwir-mitashu, king s daughter, elevated ladyship in marhashi, referring country east of elam , dynastic marriage king, libanukshabash. following this, shulgi engaged in period of expansionism @ expense of highlanders such lullubi, , destroyed simurum (most mountain tribe) , lulubum 9 times between 26th , 45th years of reign. in 30th year, daughter married governor of anshan; in 34th year, levying punitive campaign against place. destroyed kimash , humurtu (cities east of ur, somewhere in elam) in 45th year of reign. ultimately, shulgi never able rule of these distant peoples; @ 1 point, in 37th year, obliged build large wall in attempt keep them out.

earrings shulgi

in addition construction of defensive walls , completion of great ziggurat of ur, shulgi spent great deal of time , resources in expanding, maintaining, , improving roads. built rest-houses along roads, travelers find place rest , drink fresh water or spend night. last feat, samuel noah kramer calls him builder of first inn.

shulgi boasted ability maintain high speeds while running long distances. claimed in 7th regnal year have run nippur ur, distance of not less 100 miles. kramer refers shulgi first long distance running champion.


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