Evidence for modern human behavior Middle Stone Age

1 evidence modern human behavior

1.1 possible cultural complexes
1.2 abstract thinking
1.3 planning depth
1.4 innovation
1.5 symbolic behavior
1.6 complex cognition
1.7 evidence language

evidence modern human behavior

there have been number of theories proposed regarding development of modern human behavior, in recent years mosaic approach has been favored perspective in regards msa, when taken in consideration archaeological evidence. scholars including klein have argued discontinuity, while others including mcbrearty , brooks have argued cognitive advances can detected in msa , origin of our species linked appearance of middle stone age technology @ 250–300 ka.

the earliest remains of homo sapiens date approximately 195 thousand years ago in eastern africa. in archaeological record of both eastern africa , southern africa, there immense variability associated homo sapiens sites, , during time see evidence of origins of modern human behavior. according mcbrearty , brooks, there 4 features characteristic of modern human behavior: abstract thinking, ability plan , strategize, behavioral, economic , technological innovativeness, , symbolic behavior. many of these aspects of modern human behavior can broken down more specific categories, including art, personal adornment, technological advancement, yet these 4 overarching categories allow thorough, albeit overlapping, discussion of behavioral modernity.

possible cultural complexes

aterian stone tool

as homo sapiens began diversify ecological zones inhabited during msa, archaeological record associated these zones begins show evidence regional continuities. these continuities significant number of reasons. expansion of homo sapiens various ecological zones demonstrates ability adapt variety of environmental contexts including marine environments, savanna grasslands, relatively arid deserts, , forests. adaptability reflected in msa artifacts found in these zones. these artifacts display stylistic variability depending on zone. during acheulian, spanned 1.5 million years ago 300 thousand years ago, lithic technology displayed incredible homogeneity throughout ecological niches. msa technologies, evidence regional variability , continuity, represent remarkable advance. these data have been used support theories of social , stylistic development throughout msa.

in southern africa, see technocomplexes of howiesons poort , stillbay, named after sites @ first discovered. several others have not been dated or have been dated unreliably; these include lupemban technocomplex of central africa, bambatan in southeast africa, 70-80ka, , aterian technocomplex of northern africa, 160-90ka.

abstract thinking

evidence of abstract thinking can seen in archaeological record acheulean-middle stone age transition, approximately 300,000-250,000 years ago. transition involves shift in stone tool technology mode 2, acheulean tools, mode 3 , 4, include blades , microliths. manufacture of these tools requires planning , understanding of how striking stone produce different flaking patterns. requires abstract thought, 1 of hallmarks of modern human behavior. shift large cutting tools in acheulian smaller , more diversified toolkits in msa represents better cognitive , conceptual understanding of flintknapping, potential functional effects of distinct tool types.

planning depth

the ability plan , strategize, abstract thinking, can seen in more diversified toolkit of middle stone age, in subsistence patterns of period. msa hominins began migrate range of different ecological zones, became necessary base hunting strategies around seasonally available resources. awareness of seasonality evident in faunal remains found @ temporary sites. in less forgiving ecological zones, awareness have been essential survival , ability plan subsistence strategies based on awareness demonstrates ability think beyond present tense , act upon knowledge.

this planning depth seen in presence of exotic raw materials @ variety of sites throughout msa. procurement of local raw materials have been simple task accomplish, yet msa sites regularly contain raw materials obtained sources on 100 km away, , farther 300 km. obtaining raw materials distance require awareness of resources, perceived value in resources, whether functional or symbolic, and, possibly, ability organize exchange network in order obtain materials.


the ability expand new environments throughout africa and, ultimately, world, displays level of adaptability and, consequently, innovativeness seen characteristic of behavioral modernity. this, however, not evidence of innovativeness can seen in homo sapiens. development of new, regionally relevant tools, such used collection of marine resources seen @ abdur, ethiopia, pinnacle point cave, south africa, , blombos cave, south africa. use of fire demonstrates innovative aspect of human behavior when used in order create stronger tools, such heated silcrete @ blombos, howiesons poort , still bay, , heat treated bone tools still bay.

hafted tools further representative of human innovation. large cutting tools of acheulian technocomplex become smaller, more complex tools better suited towards needs of highly diversified environments. composite tools represent new level of innovation in increased efficacy , more complex manufacturing process. ability conceptualize beyond mere reduction of stone cores demonstrates cognitive flexibility, , use of glue, processed ochre, attach flakes hafts demonstrates understanding of chemical changes can utilized beyond simple use of color. adhesives used construct hafted tools 70ka @ sibudu cave in south africa.

symbolic behavior

zoomorphic pictogram on stone slab msa of apollo 11 cave, namibia

symbolic behavior is, perhaps, 1 of difficult aspects of modern human behavior distinguish archaeologically. when searching evidence of symbolic behavior in msa, there 3 lines of evidence can considered: direct evidence reflecting concrete examples of symbols; indirect evidence reflecting behaviors have been used convey symbolic thought; , technological evidence reflecting tools , skills have been used produce art. direct evidence difficult find beyond 40ka, , indirect evidence intangible, technological evidence fruitful of three.

today there widespread agreement among archaeologists world s first art , symbolic culture dates southern african middle stone age. of striking artifacts, including engraved pieces of red ochre, manufactured @ blombos cave in south africa 70 ka. pierced , ochred nassarius shell beads recovered blombos, earlier examples (middle stone age, aterian) taforalt caves. arrows , hide working tools have been found @ sibudu cave evidence of making weapons compound heat treated gluing technology.

complex cognition

a series of innovations have been documented 170–160,000 years ago @ site of pinnacle point 13b on southern cape coast of south africa. includes oldest confirmed evidence utilization of ochre , marine resources in form of shellfish exploitation food. based on analysis of msa bovid assemblage @ klasies, milo reports msa people formidable hunters , social behavior patterns approached of modern humans. deacon maintains management of plant food resources through deliberate burning of veld encourage growth of plants corms or tubers in southern cape during howiesons poort (c. 70–55 ka) indicative of modern human behavior. family basis foraging groups, color symbolism , reciprocal exchange of artifacts , formal organization of living space are, suggests, further evidence modernity in msa.

lyn wadley et al. have argued complexity of skill needed process heat-treated compound glue (gum , red ochre) used haft spears seem argue continuity between modern human cognition , of humans 70,000 bp @ sibudu cave.

evidence language

ochre reported msa sites, example @ kapthurin , twin rivers, , common after c. 100 ka. barham argues if of ochre used in symbolic, color-related role abstraction not have worked without language. ochre, suggests, 1 proxy trying find emergence of language.

formal bone tools associated modern behaviour archaeologists. sophisticated bone harpoons manufactured @ katanda, west africa @ c. 90 ka , bone tools blombos cave dated @ c. 77 ka may serve examples of material culture associated modern language.

language has been suggested necessary maintain exchange networks. evidence of form of exchange networks during middle stone age presented in marwick (2003) in distance between source of raw material , location in stone artifact found compared throughout sites containing stone artifacts. 5 middle stone age sites contained distances between 140–340 km , have been interpreted, when compared ethnographic data, these distances made possible through exchange networks. barham views syntactic language 1 aspect of behavior in fact allowed msa people settle in tropical forest environments of democratic republic of congo.

many authors have speculated @ core of symbolic explosion, , in tandem, development of syntactic language evolved through highly specialized social learning system providing means semantically unbounded discourse. syntax have played key role in process , full adoption have been crucial element of symbolic behavioral package in msa.


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