Threats Persian leopard

ahmad shah qajar sitting hunted persian leopard.

persian leopards threatened poaching, depletion of prey base due poaching, human disturbance such presence of military , training of troops in border areas, habitat loss due deforestation, fire, agricultural expansion, overgrazing, , infrastructure development.

in iran, primary threats habitat disturbances followed illegal hunting , excess of livestock in leopard habitats. leopards chances survival outside protected areas appear slim. intensive dry condition in wide areas of leopard habitats in recent years affecting leopard main prey species such wild goat , wild sheep. assessment of persian leopard mortality rate in iran revealed 70% of leopard mortalities 2007 2011 result of illegal hunting or poisoning, , 18% due road accidents.

in 1980s, anti-personnel mines deployed along northern part of iran-iraq border deter people entering area. persian leopards roaming area safe poachers , efforts industrial development, @ least 2 individuals known have stepped on mines , been killed.


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