Society and culture Vasectomy

1 society , culture

1.1 availability , legality
1.2 ideological issues
1.3 tourism

society , culture
availability , legality

vasectomy costs (or may be) covered in different countries, method of both contraception or population control, offering part of national health insurance. affordable care act of u.s. not cover vasectomy. vasectomy considered illegal in france until 2001, due provisions in napoleonic code forbidding self-mutilation . no french law mentioned vasectomy until 2001 law on contraception , foeticide permitted procedure.

ideological issues

the emphasis on shared responsibility has been taken in recent research , articles terry , braun, regard of earlier psychological research on vasectomy seemingly negative, or suspicious in tone. in research based on 16 new zealand men (chosen enthusiasm on topic of vasectomy), researchers extracted primary themes interviews of taking responsibility , vasectomy act of minor heroism .

the need target men’s involvement in reproductive , contraceptive practices historically raised on global scale @ 1994 international conference on population , development (icpd) in cairo, in relation both population control , decreasing levels of inequality in ‘contraceptive burden’, has traditionally placed responsibility contraception unfairly upon women. vigoya has referred global cultura anticonceptiva femenina —a female contraceptive culture, where, despite possibility of men taking more responsibility contraception, there virtually in world true contraceptive equality exists.

critical health researchers emphasize positive identities men can take post vasectomy, man takes on responsibility contraceptive task , man willing sacrifice fertility partner , family s sake. these sorts of accounts constructed within contraceptive economy of relationship, in women have maintained responsibility of contraceptive task until point of operation. terry notes man undergoing vasectomy may mean receives high degree of gratitude , positive reinforcement making choice sterilised, perhaps more woman has been on oral contraceptive or similar years prior.


medical tourism, patient travels less developed location procedure cheaper save money , combine convalescence vacation, infrequently used vasectomy due low cost, more used vasectomy reversal. many overseas hospitals list vasectomy 1 of qualified surgical procedures. medical tourism has come under scrutiny of governments quality of care , postoperative care issues.


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