Poetic Edda Vanir

the sun shining behind them, vanir god freyr stands boar gullinbursti (1901) johannes gehrts.

in poetic edda, vanir, group, referenced in poems völuspá, vafþrúðnismál, skírnismál, Þrymskviða, alvíssmál , sigrdrífumál. in völuspá, stanza describes events of Æsir–vanir war, noting during war vanir broke walls of stronghold of Æsir, , vanir indomitable, trampling plain.

in vafþrúðnismál, gagnráðr (the god odin in disguise) engages in game of wits jötunn vafþrúðnir. gagnráðr asks vafþrúðnir van god njörðr came from, though rules on many hofs , hörgrs, njörðr not raised among Æsir. vafþrúðnir responds njörðr created in vanaheimr ( home of vanir ) wise powers , details during Æsir–vanir war, njörðr exchanged hostage. in addition, when world ends (ragnarök), njörðr return wise vanir.

alvíssmál consists of question , answer exchanges between dwarf alvíss , god thor. in poem, alvíss supplies terms various groups, including vanir, use refer various subjects. alvíss attributes 9 terms vanir; 1 earth ( ways ), heaven ( weaver of winds ), clouds ( kites of wind ), calm ( hush of winds ), sea ( wave ), fire ( wildfire ), wood ( wand ), seed ( growth ), , ale ( foaming ).

the poem Þrymskviða states god heimdallr possesses foreknowledge, vanir can. sigrdrífumál records vanir in possession of sacred mead . in poem, valkyrie sigrdrífa provides mystical lore runes hero sigurd. sigrdrífa notes runes once carved on various creatures, deities , other figures, , shaved off , mixed sacred mead. mead possessed Æsir, elves, mankind, , vanir.

in skírnismál, beautiful jötunn gerðr first encounters god freyr s messenger skírnir, , asks him if of elves, of Æsir, or of wise vanir. skírnir responds not of of 3 groups. later in poem, skírnir successful in threats against gerðr (to have gerðr accept freyr s affections), , gerðr offers skírnir crystal cup full of mead, noting never thought love 1 of vanir.


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