Lifecycle Japanese beetle

lifecycle of japanese beetle. larvae feed on roots underground, while adults feed on leaves , stems.

a typical cluster of japanese beetle eggs

a japanese beetle pupa shortly after moulting

like other beetles, japanese beetle has 4 life stages, egg, larva, pupa , adult.

eggs laid individually, or in small clusters near soil surface. within approximately 2 weeks, eggs hatch, , small, young larvae begin feeding on fine roots , other organic material. larvae moult , become larger, become c-shaped grubs consume progressively coarser roots , may economic damage pasture , turf @ time.

larvae hibernate on winter in small cells in soil, emerging in spring when soil temperatures rise again. within 4-6 weeks of breaking hibernation, larvae pupate , emerge adults. of beetles life spent larva, 30-45 days spent adult. adults feed on leaf material above ground, using pheromones attract other beetles , overwhelm plants, skeletonizing leaves top of plant downward. aggregation of beetles alternate daily between mating, eating, , laying eggs. adult female may lay many 40-60 eggs in lifetime.

throughout majority of japanese beetle s range, takes 1 full year egg mature adult beetle, however, in extreme northern parts of range, high altitude zones, development may take 2 years in native japan, beetle s lifecycle 2 years long result of high altitudes of grasslands required larval stage.


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