The Legend of Richardis Richardis

richardis undergoing ordeal fire. painting dierec bouts.

after lifetime, legend grew around life of richardis. legend relates that, despite being virtuous wife, husband continued accuse of misconduct. did on ten years. in bid assure him of innocence, assented ordeal fire. though barefoot , wearing shirt covered in wax, flames nevertheless refused touch her. disheartened husband s continued mistrust, richardis left imperial palace , wandered forest. there visited angel, ordered found convent in spot, bear indicate her. in val d eleon, @ banks of river, saw bear scratching in dirt. there built abbey of andlau.

an alternative legend recounts richardis found mother bear grieving on dead cub in forest. when richardis held cub, returned life. after working of miracle, both mother , cub remained devoted saint rest of lives.

however, abbey had been founded 7 years before divorce charles fat, , area had long been associated bear. incorporating mythos of bear, nuns @ andlau long maintained live bear, , allowed free board , passage passing bear-keepers. day images of saint still accompanied of bear.


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