Phase out regulations 21st-century fossil fuel regulations in the United States

1 phase out regulations

1.1 resistance against phase out regulations
1.2 phasing out during obama administration
1.3 company , worker response
1.4 controversies (within trump administration)

phase out regulations

the term phasing out describes gradual decrease in dependence on using fossil fuels major source of energy in united states. since obama administration, there has been nationwide push move fossil fuels green alternatives. gradual move towards renewable energy, such wind , solar, has led decline in use of fossil fuels because of contribution greenhouse gases. reasons shift include lower costs natural gas, cap-and-trade policies, , carbon tax in areas of country.

resistance against phase out regulations

for of united states history, fossil fuels have been major energy source. while phasing out these fossil fuels benefit world climate in long run, little has been done stop burning fossil fuels , emitting co2 atmosphere. if united states phases out fossil fuels, tons of energy in form of oil, coal, , natural gas left untouched under surface of ground. although energy source limited, companies , workers continue drill earth extract all.

phasing out during obama administration

in august 2015, president obama , administration passed legislation cut emissions coal power plants. goal of legislation become more dependent on clean energy such wind , solar power. environmental protection agency (epa) set benchmark of reducing co2 emissions 32% 2030 2005 levels. plan , end goal became known clean power plan.

company , worker response

the main issue in dealing fossil fuel phase-out has been job loss. companies in fossil fuel industry have begun experience effects of phasing-out of fossil fuels coal. example, consol energy, coal-producing company, has begun transition becoming natural gas producer. not shift affect current role in coal industry has led employment cuts. shuttering of coal plants, national rural electric cooperative association estimates on 1 million jobs lost. coal industry aging, many coal mines deteriorating , becoming costly keep running. result, coal plants no longer reliable, go-to energy source united states.

controversies (within trump administration)

many of donald trump s nominees positions within cabinet dispute proven facts climate change. include scott pruitt head of epa oklahoma attorney general repeatedly sued epa on rules. since becoming head of epa, pruitt has been running on agenda solely concerned bring jobs coal mining industry despite many of these mines having violated legislation protecting environment (e.g. clean water act). following united nations climate treaty, signed 200 nations in 2015, trump s actions distinct step backwards phasing out fossil fuels. notably, on march 28, 2017, trump signed energy independence executive order designed rid of clean power plan initiated president obama. result, previous action , steps taken stop climate change not sustained. trump has promised bring coal industry despite greenhouse gases coming coal-based power plants.


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