History Messina

frederick ii age coins.

an image of 1908 messina earthquake aftermath.

unexecuted beaux-arts plan reconstruction of port, 1909.

founded greek colonists in 8th century bc, messina called zancle (greek: Ζάγκλη), greek ζάγκλον meaning scythe because of shape of natural harbour (though legend attributes name king zanclus). comune of metropolitan city, located @ southern entrance of strait of messina, day called scaletta zanclea . in 5th century bc, anaxilas of rhegium renamed messene (Μεσσήνη) in honour of greek city messene (see list of traditional greek place names). city sacked in 397 bc carthaginians , reconquered dionysius of syracuse.

a tract of around 30 kilometres of beachs of messina

the feluca, typical boat used fiscermen of messina hunt swordfish

the madonna della lettera dominates port of messina saint patron of city, celebrated 3 of june

in 288 bc mamertines seized city treachery, killing men , taking women wives. city became base ravaged countryside, leading conflict expanding regional empire of syracuse. hiero ii, tyrant of syracuse, defeated mamertines near mylae on longanus river , besieged messina. carthage assisted mamertines because of long-standing conflict syracuse on dominance in sicily. when hiero attacked second time in 264 bc, mamertines petitioned roman republic alliance, hoping more reliable protection. although reluctant assist lest encourage other mercenary groups mutiny, rome unwilling see carthaginian power spread further on sicily , encroach on italy. rome therefore entered alliance mamertines. in 264 bc, roman troops deployed sicily, first time roman army acted outside italian peninsula. @ end of first punic war free city allied rome. in roman times messina, known messana, had important pharos (lighthouse). messana base of sextus pompeius, during war against octavian.

after fall of roman empire, city successively ruled goths 476, byzantine empire in 535, arabs in 842, , in 1061 norman brothers robert guiscard , roger guiscard (later count roger of sicily). in 1189 english king richard ( lionheart ) stopped @ messina en route holy land , briefly occupied city after dispute on dowry of sister, had been married william good, king of sicily

in 1345 orlando d aragona, illegitimate son of frederick ii of sicily strategos of messina.

messina may have been harbour @ black death entered europe: plague brought genoese ships coming caffa in crimea. in 1548 st. ignatius founded there first jesuit college in world, later gave birth studium generale (the current university of messina).

the christian ships won battle of lepanto (1571) left messina: spanish author miguel de cervantes, took part in battle, recovered time in grand hospital. city reached peak of splendour in 17th century, under spanish domination: @ time 1 of ten greatest cities in europe. in 1674 city rebelled against foreign garrison. managed remain independent time, of french king louis xiv, in 1678, peace of nijmegen, reconquered spaniards , sacked: university, senate , privileges of autonomy had enjoyed since roman times abolished. massive fortress built occupants , messina decayed steadily. in 1743, 48,000 died of plague in city.

in 1783, earthquake devastated of city, , took decades rebuild , rekindle cultural life of messina. in 1847 1 of first cities in italy risorgimento riots broke out. in 1848 rebelled openly against reigning bourbons, heavily suppressed again. in 1860, after battle of milazzo, garibaldine troops occupied city. 1 of main figures of unification of italy, giuseppe mazzini, elected deputy @ messina in general elections of 1866. earthquake of less intensity damaged city on 16 november 1894. city entirely destroyed earthquake , associated tsunami on morning of 28 december 1908, killing 100,000 people , destroying of ancient architecture. city largely rebuilt in following year. incurred further damage massive allied air bombardments of 1943. city awarded gold medal military valour , 1 civil valour in memory of event , subsequent effort of reconstruction.

in june 1955, messina location of messina conference of western european foreign ministers led creation of european economic community.

the feast of assumption on mid august


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