Hellraiser remake Pinhead (Hellraiser)

doug bradley has stated has not been approached portray pinhead in remake, stating seeing else become pinhead feels kick in teeth .

pinhead redesign

pinhead redesign gary tunnicliffe, shown in project angel: redesigning icon

gary tunnicliffe, responsible pinhead makeup in last 4 films, improvised new design pinhead called project angel: recreating icon, photos of published in fangoria.

design idea create still felt pinhead stepped away order of original design, more painful, more chaotic. several times on years, clive has approached me on various hellraiser sets , commented makeup looked clean , had lost of decay, filth. decided amp dirtiness of pinhead s visage, make more self-inflicted, bloodier , more brutal.

among tunnicliffe s redesigns included usage of square shafted nails iconic pins, meant rusted , handmade. designed new pinhead wearing white priest s robe rather original black leather, homage origins of word cenobite implies religious connection.

the redesign criticised clive barker being bloody:

don t think s right. think whole point pinhead isn t bloody - victims bloody isn t. other thing there these lacerations diagonal , random. original had feel of geometry paper in school broken segments , lines, me had severity it. having pins of intersections of crossroads made have surgical severity almost. think new version has sacrificed feeling.

pascal laugier, set write remake wrote online statement, stressing tunnicliffe s redesign unauthorised, , himself had different design in mind.


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