Impacts of coal mining in Appalachia Environmental justice and coal mining in Appalachia

1 impacts of coal mining in appalachia

1.1 surface mining
1.2 effects on health
1.3 environmental impacts
1.4 social , economic impacts
1.5 specific events

1.5.1 buffalo creek disaster

impacts of coal mining in appalachia

strip mining in barnesville, ohio

since 1995, appalachian region has produced half of united states coal. although appalachia has played large role in contributing coal supply of united states, communities surrounding such mining practices have suffered immensely. several studies have shown disparities between mining communities , non-mining communities in terms of public health, environmental degradation, pollution, , overall quality of life in appalachia. variations of surface coal mining techniques in appalachia include contour, area, high-wall, auger, , mountaintop removal mining (mtr).

surface mining

the damage caused mountaintop removal strip mining has had calculable effect on environment , communities in appalachia. resource rich region remains economically deprived , suffers externalities of coal mining, including health problems caused coal pollution. office of surface mining (osm) federal agency tasked regulating strip-mining under federal surface mining control , reclamation act (smcra). according osm, [t]o extent low income populations prevalent in coalfields, impacts of mountaintop mining felt disproportionately these environmental justice populations .

most local residents unable see extent of damage has been caused surface mining. geologist sean p. bemis investigated claims local residents extent of damage not visible. in interviews research team, former miner chuck nelson stated extent of destruction visible plane. coalfield resident activist maria gunnoe gave similar account researchers, saying never realized bad. first fly-over south wings [non-profit aviation organization], , right there fired me up. when got off plane day, cried way across tarmac, way home... government accountability office (gao) confimed in 2009 report:

despite public scrutiny surface mining in mountainous areas has received, public limited in ability access information on scope of these operations - size, location, , how long have been in operation - , on mountain can expected after mining operations have ceased , land has been reclaimed

there no official records of total number of disturbed acres have resulted surface mining, geospatial analysis has shown between 1.05million , 1.28million acres of land , more 500 mountains in west virginia, kentucky, tennessee, , virginia have been surface mined.

effects on health

several studies have found communities within appalachian region surrounding coal mining practices disproportionately experience negative health effects communities no coal mining. such health disparities largely attributed contamination of water , land associated coal surface mining. mtr has increased salinity, metals, magnesium, , sulfates within appalachian watersheds, threatening human health. sixty-three percent of stream beds near coalfields within appalachia mountains have been identified impaired due high toxic chemical , metal contamination. in west virginia, 14 counties experiencing water exceeds safe drinking water standards 7 times more non-mining counties. combustion waste , fly ash mtr lend toxic dusts pollute surrounding air , have contributed increased levels of cancer, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, , kidney disease. public health costs of pollution in appalachia upwards of 75 billion dollars year. in comparative analysis of health-related quality of residences in counties , without coal mining appalachia reported fewer healthy days both physical , mental health . same study highlights strong correlations between heavy coal mining counties , greater risk of depression , severe psychological distress. areas in appalachia coal surface mining exhibit greater rates of adverse health effects , reduced self-rated health in comparison national average. in addition, studies national institute occupational safety , health have concluded high relationship between surface coal mining jobs , prevalence of pneumoconiosis . lastly, through examination of mortality rates, county-level poverty rates, , coal mining within counties of appalachia, identified coal mining areas of appalachia experienced higher mortality rates counties no coal mining.

environmental impacts

mountaintop removal coal mining in martin county, kentucky

coal surface mining has heavily altered hydrological cycle , landscape of appalachia causing environmental degradation , contributing ecosystem damages beyond repair. surface coal mining in appalachian has contributed destruction of on 500 mountain tops. in addition, has led clearance of on 1 million acres of forests , contributed degradation or permanent loss of on 12000 miles of streams crucial appalachia watershed 1985- 2001. increased salinity , metal contamination of appalachian streams have led toxic effects of fish , bird species. mountaintop removal, or mtr, type of surface mining has played major role in negatively impacting appalachian environment. when mtr used, causes of contaminants process emptied surrounding valleys which, oftentimes, make way nearby streams. these wastes disposed in valley fills have collapsed , produced heavy flash floods in appalachia. environmental protection agency approximates between 1985 , 2001, on 700 miles worth of streams in appalachians covered these valley fills due mountaintop removal coal mining.

social , economic impacts

appalachia has historically been 1 of impoverished regions of country.

there debate whether coal production source of wealth or poverty in appalachia. u.s. geological survey , u.s. bureau of mines states there coal-wealth paradox in appalachia. appalachia home of largest coal mines yet average per capita income 68% of national per capita income. however, work done black , sanders shows between 1970 , 1980 increase in coal production substantially boosted pay of low skilled workers in appalachia , caused decrease in income inequality.

although coal mining industries associated increased jobs , economic growth, association not hold appalachia, two-thirds of counties have higher levels of unemployment nation , per capita personal wages falling 20% lower nation. more specifically, in hendryx , zullig s comparative analysis of appalachia counties, coal mining had greater economic disparities , more poverty without industry. shift towards coal surface mining underground mining led 50% decline in mining jobs 1985 2005, , competition cheap natural gas decreased demand coal, leading mines close or reduce extraction, further increased unemployment. 2014 2015, overall mining employment appalachia has dropped 15.9%. nasa study states promises of beneficial post-mining development in appalachian region have yet materialize. 2017 study found neighborhoods closest coal impoundments more have higher rates of poverty , unemployment, after controlling rurality, mining-related variables, , spatial dependence .

specific events
buffalo creek disaster

in 1972, slurry pond built pittson coal company collapsed. in known buffalo creek disaster 130 million gallons of sludge flooded buffalo creek. more recently, waste impoundment owned massey burst in kentucky, flooding nearby streams 250 tons of coal slurry.


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