Response to controversies and report investigation findings Mars Hill Church

1 response controversies , report investigation findings

1.1 mark driscoll s leadership

1.1.1 result source contract real marriage book

1.2 plagiarism allegations
1.3 mars hill global fund

response controversies , report investigation findings
mark driscoll s leadership

in october 2014, group of elders released investigation of accusations 1,000 hours of research, interviewing more 50 people , preparing 200 pages of information. report concluded mark driscoll had never been charged immorality, illegality or heresy, , considered of accusations against pastor mark altogether unfair or untrue. additionally, many of other charges had been been addressed pastor mark, privately , publicly. indeed, had publicly confessed , apologized number of charges against him, of occurred long 14 years ago.

in response allegations, several prominent pastors publicly defended mark driscoll, including mega-church pastor rick warren, author of purpose driven life, , gateway church s founding pastor robert morris. @ 2014 gateway conference, morris told audience counseled mark driscoll directly, , media reports largely untrue. morris cited recent media reports of lead pastor steven furtick of elevation church experiencing similar coverage. @ conference, mark driscoll invited stage told audience received death threats , children allegedly had rocks thrown @ them. driscoll stated m trying figure out how pastor family first.

on december 28, 2014, rick warren gave final sunday sermon @ mars hill encouraging remaining members give grace leaders, need grateful ways god used mars hill church. grateful ways god used mark driscoll. driscoll had delivered sermon @ saddleback church weekend rick warren grieved loss of son.

result source contract real marriage book

in march 2014, controversy arose on marketing of mark , grace driscoll s book real marriage, based on experience of counseling couples in church, later became sermon series in church. church had contracted marketing firm result source, utilized bulk buying affect metrics on new york times bestsellers list.

on march 28, 2015, former elder of church revealed driscoll had not been involved in initiating nor signing contract result source. elder stated business relationship marketing firm initiated pastor resigned shortly thereafter, , remaining church leaders disagreed on completion of contract, stating reflect badly on church , mark driscoll.

plagiarism allegations

the church affected series of controversies in 2013 , 2014, including allegations of plagiarism. however, publisher tyndale house denounced allegations stating mark driscoll adequately cited work of peter jones. tyndale rejects claims mark driscoll tried take peter jones s ideas , claim them own.

mars hill global fund

in june 2014 online petition asked sutton turner of mars hill church , dan busby of evangelical council financial accountability money raised through mars hill global fund went. church reported mars hill church began use term global fund solicit gifts restricted capital development , expansion . communicated in global newsletter on july 7, 2009, global fund used raise resources following purposes: start new mars hill campuses, plant new acts 29 churches, , equip leaders @ resurgence training center . in 2009-2011 time frame, on 80% of funds given “global fund” went acts 29 church planting, additional funds used resurgence training center , church planting in india. additionally, subsequent june 1, 2012, in july 2014, mars hill church sent approximately 6,000 letters , 3,765 emails individuals had made gifts global donor subsequent june 1, 2012. in these communications, mars hill church offered redirect donor’s gifts, made global donor during time period, planting churches in ethiopia or india.


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