Sources Internment of German Americans

1 sources

1.1 world war i
1.2 world war ii
1.3 general

world war i

charles burdick, frustrated raider: story of german cruiser cormoran in world war (carbondale, il: southern illinois university press, 1979)
gerald h. davis, oglesdorf : world war internment camp in america, yearbook of german-american studies, v. 26 (1991), 249–65
william b. glidden, internment camps in america, 1917–1920, military affairs, v. 37 (1979), 137–41
paul halpern, naval history of world war (1994)
arnold krammer, undue process: untold story of america s german alien internees (ny: rowman & littlefield, 1997), isbn 0-8476-8518-7
reuben a. lewis, how united states takes care of german prisoners, in munsey s magazine, v. 64 (june–september, 1918), 137ff., google books, accessed april 2, 2011
jörg nagler, victims of home front: enemy aliens in united states during world war i, in panakos panayi, ed., minorities in wartime: national , racial groupings in europe, north america , australia during 2 world wars (1993)
erich posselt, prisoner of war no. 3598 [fort oglethorpe], in american mercury, may–august 1927, 313–23, google books, accessed april 2, 2011
paul schmalenbach, german raiders: history of auxiliary cruisers of german navy, 1895–1945 (annapolis, md: naval institute press, 1979)

world war ii

john christgau, enemies : world war ii alien internment (ames, ia: iowa state university press, 1985), isbn 0-595-17915-0
kimberly e. contag , james a. grabowska, clouds meet water (inkwater press, 2004), isbn 1-59299-073-8. journey of german ecuadorian widower, ernst contag, , 4 children home in south american andes nazi germany in 1942.
john joel culley, troublesome presence: world war ii internment of german sailors in new mexico in prologue: quarterly of national archives , records administration v. 28 (1996), 279–295
heidi gurcke donald, not enemy: remembering united states latin-american civilian internment program of world war ii (iuniverse, 2007), isbn 0-595-39333-0
stephen fox, fear itself: inside fbi roundup of german americans during world war ii: past prologue (iuniverse, 2005), isbn 978-0-595-35168-8
timothy j. holian, german americans , ww ii: ethnic experience (ny: peter lang publishing, 1996), isbn 0-8204-4040-x
arthur d. jacobs, prison called hohenasperg: american boy betrayed government during world war ii (parkland, fl: universal publishers, 1999), isbn 1-58112-832-0
national archives: brief overview of world war ii enemy alien control program , accessed january 19, 2010
new york times: jerre mangione, america s other internment, may 19, 1978, accessed january 20, 2010. mangione special assistant united states commissioner of immigration , naturalization 1942 1948.
fiset, louis (2003). medical care interned enemy aliens: role public health service in world war ii . american journal of public health. 93 (10): 1644–54. doi:10.2105/ajph.93.10.1644. pmc 1448029 . pmid 14534217. 
john eric schmitz, enemies among us: relocation, internment, , repatriation of german, italian, , japanese americans during world war 2 ph.d. dissertation, american university 2007
u.s. house of representatives, committee on judiciary: hearing on: treatment of latin americans of japanese descent, european americans, , jewish refugees during world war ii, march 19, 2009, accessed january 19, 2010


don h. tolzmann, ed., german-americans in world wars, 5 vols. (new providence, nj: k.g. saur, 1995–1998), isbn 3-598-21530-4

vol. 1: anti-german hysteria of world war one
vol. 2: world war 1 experience
vol. 3: research on german-american experience of world war one
vol. 4: world war 2 experience: internment of german-americans

section 1: suspicion internment: u.s. government policy toward german-americans, 1939–48
section 2: government preparation , implementation of repatriation of german-americans, 1943–1948
section 3: german-american camp newspapers: internees view of life in internment

vol. 5: germanophobia in u.s.: anti-german hysteria , sentiment of world wars. supplement , index.


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