The 1481 printed edition Divine Comedy Illustrated by Botticelli

engraving baldini after botticelli, 1481 book

the drawings in manuscript not first created botticelli divine comedy. illustrated commedia, time printed edition engravings illustrations, published nicholo di lorenzo della magna in florence in 1481, , mentioned vasari. scholars agree engravings baccio baldini follow drawn designs botticelli, though unfortunately baldini unable render botticelli s style effectively.

botticelli s attempt design illustrations printed book unprecedented leading painter, , though seems have been of flop, role artists had important future. vasari wrote disapprovingly of edition: being of sophistical turn of mind, there wrote commentary on portion of dante , illustrated inferno printed, spending time on it, , abstention work led serious disorders in living. vasari, lived when printmaking had become far more important in botticelli s day, never takes seriously, perhaps because own paintings did not sell in reproduction.

the divine comedy consists of 100 cantos, , printed text left space 1 engraving each canto. however, 19 illustrations engraved, , copies of book have first 2 or three. first two, , three, printed on book page, while later ones printed on separate sheets pasted place. suggests production of engravings lagged behind printing, , later illustrations pasted stock of printed , bound books, , perhaps sold had bought book. unfortunately baldini neither experienced nor talented engraver, , unable express delicacy of botticelli s style in plates. project may have been disrupted botticelli s summons rome take part in project fresco sistine chapel. perhaps away july 1481 @ latest may 1482.


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