In operation Drum brake

1 in operation

1.1 normal braking
1.2 automatic self-adjustment
1.3 parking/emergency brake

in operation
normal braking

when brakes applied, brake fluid forced under pressure master cylinder wheel cylinder, in turn pushes brake shoes contact machined surface on inside of drum. rubbing action reduces rotation of brake drum, coupled wheel. hence speed of vehicle reduced. when pressure released, return springs pull shoes rest position.

automatic self-adjustment

as brake linings wear, shoes must travel greater distance reach drum. when distance reaches point, self-adjusting mechanism automatically reacts adjusting rest position of shoes closer drum. here, adjusting lever rocks enough advance adjuster gear 1 tooth. adjuster has threads on it, bolt, unscrews little bit when turns, lengthening fill in gap. when brake shoes wear little more, adjuster can advance again, keeps shoes close drum. typically adjusters operate when vehicle going in reverse , brakes engaged.

parking/emergency brake

the parking (or emergency) brake system controls brakes through series of steel cables connected either hand lever or foot pedal. idea system mechanical , bypasses hydraulic system vehicle can brought stop if there total brake failure. here cable pulls on lever mounted in brake , directly connected brake shoes. has effect of bypassing wheel cylinder , controlling brakes directly.


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