Current USCGC Drummond (WPB-1323)

uscgc drummond s small boat returning illegal cuban migrants loggerhead key, dry tortugas

in april 2004, drummond again returned haiti in support of operation able sentry , operation secure tomorrow country’s political , economic situation continued generate exodus of migrants. in 2005, drummond again awarded coast guard meritorious unit commendation efforts in stemming illegal flow of cuban migrants in florida straits. drummond credited saving more $500,000 in property during period in search-and-rescue cases, including daring rescue of dismasted sailboat during tropical storm arlene.

since 2004, drummond credited interdicting on 550 illegal cuban migrants in florida straits, on 8 go-fast vessels , 26 homebuilt boats , rafts. drummond has recovered 120 illegal migrants various bahamian islands, working closely royal bahamas defence force. in past 2 years, drummond has cared 1600 illegal migrants on decks while conducting 32 politically sensitive repatriations cabanas, cuba.


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